UPL100 Model 100 Upload Utility for the TRS-80 Model I/III Version 1.0 Aug 1 83 Copyright (c) 1983 Morris Jones Permission granted to copy for non-commercial use provided credit is given to the original author. No changes may be made to this document without permission from the author. UPL100 supports continuous stream file uploads from any terminal that supports XON/XOFF handshaking, i.e., will pause the data transmission when the host sends XOFF (ASCII X'13') and resume when the host sends XON (ASCII X'11'). No checksums or other verification is provided by this protocol. UPL100 is provided in source form for EDTASM, and is independent of DOS used. Features: o Aborts after two minutes without receiving data from the remote. o Aborts on loss of carrier. o Local filename to receive the upload is specified on the command line. o Uses memory from 5200H to 6FFFH to allow running from within a BASIC program (under Newdos/80). o Remote operator ends the upload by pressing control-D. o System operator can abort the upload by pressing the BREAK key. o Supports 300 or 1200 baud transfers with no lost data. o Allows for slow reaction time by the remote on an XOFF by sending 10 NULL characters after an XOFF. Up to ten additional bytes of data may be received before the remote must stop sending. o Timeout is measured by checking the real time clock instead of a count loop. o Simple changes to the source to modify any of these features. UPL100 was written to be used from a bulletin board system for uploading files from the TRS-80 Model 100, although the method is applicable to many other terminals and terminal emulation programs. Under Newdos/80, for example, UPL100 may be run directly from within BASIC. For example: LINEINPUT"Type the filename you with to upload: ";FN$ CMD"UPL100 "+FN$ This will execute UPL100 and return to BASIC execution at the line following the CMD statement. The remote operator (and the system operator) receives the message: UPL100 by Morris Jones Version 1.0 Aug 1 83 Ready for Upload -- Press control-D when finished The remote then begins sending data to the host. Data is buffered until an almost full buffer condition, when the host sends XOFF and ten NULL characters, allowing time for the remote to stop sending. The buffer is written to the disk file, reinitialized, and an XOFF is sent to the remote to indicate that it may resume transmission. At the conclusion of the data transmission, the remote operator should press control-D. UPL100 then sends the message: One moment . . . followed by File Upload Complete During the data transmission the received data is not echoed to the remote. *** Important Note *** Message strings sent by UPL100 are duplicated to the serial port and to the console (video screen) of the TRS-80, so if the video DCB has been redirected to send video output to the serial port, the remote operator will see each letter twice: UUPPLL110000 bbyy MMoorriissss JJoonneess Video redirection should be disabled before UPL100 is run, or the source should be modified at routine SERSTR so that string data is not duplicated to both serial port and console. Error conditions: A lost carrier will cause UPL100 to abort without a message. Timeout occurs if no data is received from the remote for two minutes. A file write error causes UPL100 to abort. With no way for UPL100 to instruct the remote that the upload must be aborted, it is likely that considerable garbage data will be received from the remote after UPL100 has aborted. Error messages: ABORT -- No File Specified ABORT -- Disk File Error A