4 February 1990 BIBLE BOOKS BIBOOKS.EXE Version 2.0 Welcome to the challenge of learning the order of the books in the Bible. I have written this game to provide a way to help you improve your knowledge of the Bible, while having fun doing it! This game puts all the books of the Bible on the screen, but in a scrambled order; your challenge is to put them in the proper order, starting with Genesis and continuing till you reach Revelation. Your score is kept (100% if you make NO mistakes), and a clock keeps track of your time during the game. As you continue playing, your scores will improve and your time will reduce. Version 2.0 updates the older version by adding color to the display (optional), and adding three levels of difficulty. To play the game, put BIBOOKS.EXE into the current directory of your IBM-compatible computer and type BIBOOKS. Playing details will be given in the opening screen of the game. Have fun as you play the game! Note: For Monochrome (Black & While) displays, you may need to set the command line option of "/B" (without the quotes) for the program to operate. Other command line options are also available as detailed in the options sub-menu of the program. Levels of Difficulty: Version 1.0 was too hard for many people who didn't have years of Bible experience; so I provided three levels of difficulty in version 2.0, a Beginner mode (the default mode), an Intermediate mode, and one for the Expert. They differ in the helping aides provided when a wrong Bible book is selected (guessed). The Intermediate Mode is like Version 1.0. Namely, it indicates the relative book position number when an erroneous entry is made; as you remember the number of the book, you know to enter it when you reach that point in the game. The Beginner level adds an additional aid in that it also highlights the correct book, along with all the other books between the one selected and the correct one. Not to be outdone, I also added an Expert mode that gives NO help when a wrong book is selected. Very difficult; only for those who really know their books of the Bible. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Solitaire Play: Initially play to better your score (in other words, less guessing which book comes next). Once you are routinely getting 100%, then challenge yourself to improve your time. At one time my daughter could often get 100% in less than one minute; send me a note if you can reach this level of excellence (no prizes offered, but I will commend you for a challenge well done). Two or more players: Each person plays one round of the game. The person with the highest percent score wins. If more than one person gets 100%, then the one with the shortest time wins. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ABOUT THE PROGRAM: This program has been written using MicroSoft Quick-Basic for use on IBM-Compatible computers with or without a mouse. It was developed on my computer with an EGA display, but colors should work on CGA as well; Monochrome compatibility should have been maintained assuming the command line "/B" option is used (though I no longer have a computer so configured to fully test this). Mouse control implementation was written using the Logitech Mouse Driver, but should be compatible with any comparable mouse support. If you don't have a mouse (or no mouse driver is installed), the program will still function properly using the arrow keys and SPACEBAR as described in the opening directions of the game. If you have any problems with the game, please let me know the nature of the problem, including your equipment configuration; I will try to identify and fix the problem and send you an updated version to try. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SHAREWARE: This game was written by E. Scott Rhyner, who retains ownership, and is NOT public domain material. Within the spirit of shareware programs, it may be freely distributed providing this notice is included with all copies (normally included as part of BIBOOKS.ZIP). If you find BIBOOKS to be a useful tool in Bible memorization, as well as being a fun, easy to use game, a contribution of $10.00 would be appreciated. With a contribution of $20.00, I will return thanks by sending you my latest version of this or another Bible game. While the primary purpose of BIBOOKS is to foster increased Bible increased interest, your support will help to repay the many hours spend in the program development, and will be further encouragement to spur me in completing other Bible based games I've envisioned. If you don't feel inclined to send any contribution, I would at least like to hear how you like the program. One reason for the long delay since the last version was the lack of response since the initial version was offered. If you have suggestions of other Bible based games, please include them in your note as well. Thank You. Scott Rhyner 8750 Mellmanor Dr; #170 La Mesa, Ca. 92042