CTS 3.0 UPGRADE INFORMATION Version 3.0 of the Contact Tracking System corrects some small bugs discovered in previous versions and adds many new features. These include memo fields in which variable length text can be entered and searched; capacity for international addresses; consistent dialing ability with almost any modem; mail merge capabilities with WordPerfect; classification of STATUS records according to user defined types; a more powerful "list mode"; more sophisticated transfers between CONTACT files; user defined label formats; and several others. To upgrade from a previous version of CTS to this 3.0 version, take the following steps. 1. Back up your database files. This can be done using the backup utility within CTS or by issuing the following DOS command: C:\CTS> copy *.db* where is the drive and/or directory where you want to store the backup database files. The above example assumes you have installed CTS in a directory by that name on your C drive. If you installed it in another directory, then issue the same commands from there instead. 2. Delete all files in your CTS directory. Of course, make sure that your backup worked properly before doing this. 3. Copy the CTS30#1.ZIP and CTS30#2.ZIP files into your CTS directory. 4. Enter the command: C:\CTS> pkunzip *.zip This assumes that the PKUNZIP.EXE uncompression utility has either been copied into your CTS directory or is on your DOS path. 5. Copy the backup files back into the CTS directory. 6. Run the 'CONVERT.BAT' batch file by entering the command: C:\CTS> convert 7. Enter the command: C:\CTS> ctsdemo or C:\CTS> cts depending on whether you have the demo or fully functioning version of the system. The system should load and bring you into the configuration module, where you will create a new configuration file. The installation is now complete. Use the F1 help key at various points to learn more about the system. Read the 'CTS.TXT' documentation file to get an overview of the whole system, even if you are not looking for details. If you have problems getting started, you may give me a call. Please note, however, that I can only guarantee technical support beyond the installation process to persons who have registered the software. Registration information is contained in the 'REGISTER.TXT' file. You may contact me as follows: Jamal Mazrui Access Success 745 Somerville Ave. Somerville, MA 02143 Phone: (617) 666-9856.