Short Description of MARKETEER ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ Keep track of all your contacts - whether business or personal - with MARKETEER An unlimited number of notes, appointments and correspondence (using the built-in word processor) can be maintained by even a complete beginner in computers. Once entered into MARKETEER your data can be searched and selected on any field in any combination. Whatever your business the increase in productivity that this program brings will astound you. Longer Description ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ MARKETEER can be used in two ways: as a Contacts Manager which logs all communications with your customers, prospective customers, club members etc and a Sales Prospecting tool which lets you do a mailshot (with the built-in word processor or WordPerfect) and then schedules automatic follow-ups for a Telemarketing session. Either way, you can be sure that with MARKETEER in charge no important information will be overlooked or mislaid. Gone are all those scraps of paper and Post-It notes - don't overload your memory with those niggling little tasks: let your computer take the strain with MARKETEER. Here is a list of the program's main features: *** Unlimited number of user-named databases. So you could have one for each salesperson for example. *** Unlimited number of records per database *** Fast data entry with 3 picklists on the entry form *** Built in word processor *** Mailshots are logged with full details included names of prospects these can be viewed/printed at any time and also used to reselect the exact same records for a follow up say. *** Documents (letters,labels) are also stored in a database for ease of retrieval by a picklist. *** A history of all phone calls to a prospect can be called up by a hotkey as can all correspondence with them *** A history of all appointments with a prospect is kept and can also be hot-keyed-up while in the Telemarketing section. *** Modem support - no more mis-dialling: let the computer do it for you! *** Variety of selecting methods : by business category/area and also by searching the background notes for each prospect for a free-text string. This allows user-controlled selection because you can put in keywords relevant to your particular business and select on them. Searching is also possible on any field in any combination using boolean operators. *** Counts of number of categories (eg plumbers), cities & states per database are maintained dynamically. *** Utilities for data import/export in DBASE,DIF & BASIC formats, logged backups and file compression/rebuilding. *** Popup calculator *** Popup appointment scheduler. Allows unlimited appointments which can (optionally) be linked into a particular prospect. Week ahead planner which shows graphically free time and appointment conflicts. *** Popup calendar *** Optional password protection *** Popup scripts to prompt you while Telemarketing *** Support for 1, 2 and 3 across labels *** To do list/reminder system active through out program *** WordPerfect interface