Hints for The Secret of Monkey Island by John Graham Introduction: The Secret of Monkey Island is a novice level game that can be lots of fun. When using these hints, remember to save your game frequently. (don't worry about dying in this game-- it's hard to get killed) Save so you can come back to the point at which you left off later. Don't just use these hints all at once. Use them only if you need them... It's more fun (and rewarding) to figure out the game by yourself. 1. The beginning Q: I'm inside the scumm bar... now what?? A: Talk to the pirates--most importantly the three pirates near the kitchen. It is important to talk to as many people as possible now. It will help you later on. Now that you have talked some, wait until the cook leaves the kitchen. When he does, quickly go in and get the pot and the meat. Go east from here and you will be on a dock. Get the fish by walking to a specific point on the dock until the bird flies up into the air. Q: I've been to a circus... what do I do here?? A: Now that you've (hopefully) made it to the circus tent, talk to the brothers. Persuade them to let you be shot from the cannon. Do this by showing the pot. Q: I am in a strange voodoo shop. What do I do here?? A: Get the rubber chicken. Now talk with the fortune teller guy. Leave here when you do this. Q: I see a man looking around suspiciously in town. What does he want?? A: He wants to sell you a treasure map. Q: I'm inside a store. What do I buy? A: You'll need a sword and a shovel. Talk to the shopkeeper. Q: Some scruffy-looking pirates are in the street??? A: Talk to them. Talk about the circus and the fact that you like rats. Take the PTA minutes. THE FIRST TRIAL Q: A troll blocks my path. A: Give him the fish. Q: I see a sign that says something about swordfighting. A: Go into the house and train for swordfighting. After you have properly trained, go the the fork in the road on the island map screen. You should see pirated going all over the island. Block their path until you see them on the screen. Fight them. Get a bunch (20 or so) of insults and their appropriate comebacks. When you are able to beat three or four in a row at swordfighting, you are ready to stop fighting. Q: The shopkeeper left. What do I do? A: Follow him. If he loses you, just go to the forest an find the swordmasters hideout on your own. You will see a sign followed by a ravine. Pull the sign. Q: Now what?? A: Go back to the scumm bar and show the three important looking pirates your prize. THE SECOND TRIAL Q: Ive shown the pirates my prize and I know what I must do next... How do I do it? A: First, go to the forest. See the nice flowers?? Pick the yellow one. Put the petal on the meat you got at the scumm bar kitchen. Now go to the Governor's mansion. Q: The dogs won't let me pass. A: Yes they will..if you give them the poisoned meat and they go to sleep. (They won't sleep forever!) Q: I'm inside the mansion.... A: IMEDIATELY go to the right door. The computer will do the rest. Q: Ive been to a jail in the town. How do I get the man out? A: First you should buy some breath mints from the shopkeeper. Go back to the jail and talk to Otis (the jailmate). Give him the breath mints. Talk to him. Give the gopher repellant to him. Get the cake and open it. You can't get him out yet. Q: What now??? A: Don't worry about Otis for the moment. Concentrate on going back to the mansion. When you get there, go through a hole in the wall. Q: Great advice you gave me! Now im in the ocean. A: Dont worry...get the idol and sword, go to the ladder and climb up. THE THIRD TRIAL Q: Ive shown the idol to the pirates . What comes next? A: Look at the map, for starters. Q: The map shows steps. What are they for? A: The dance steps are directions through the forest to the treasure. Example: Left means to exit the screen to the left. At the treasure, dig at the X and read the plaque, sign, and monument. When you have the "treasure", go back to the scumm bar. Q: The pirates have vanished. A: They are all scared of Ghost Pirate LeChuck. Go to Stans used ships. Talk to stan. Tell him you have credit. The big blue ship is the one you want. Q: How do I get the credit? A: Back to the shopkeeper! Ask him for credit. Leave, return and tell him you have a job. When he goes to open the safe, WATCH him CLOSELY. Write down the combination. Next, tell the shopkeeper you want to talk to the swordmaster. When he leaves, open the safe with the combination you wrote down and take the letter of credit. Q: I'm back at the shipyard but I cant buy the ship. A: You'll have to do some serious bargaining. You CAN get the ship for $4200 if you really try. Q: I will need a crew wont I? A: Of course you will! Start with the swordmaster. Then go to the Scumm bar. Get all five mugs and go into the kitchen. Fill up one mug with grog. QUICKLY go to the jail. You might want to save your game at this point. Get Otis out by pouring grog on the lock. Q: Otis ran away. Where do I find him? A: He will find you. Now, go to the far northeast corner of the island. Climb the ladder and use the chicken as a pulley. Talk to meathook. When he shows you the vicious beast, TAUNT him. Go back to the dock. Your crew is here. ON the ship Collect everything you can on the ship. Q: How do I get into the cabinet? A: Get the key from the cereal box. Look at it. Now open the cabinet and open the chest. Get all. Q: What do I cook in the pot? A: Try this unique recipe: cinnamon sticks, breath mint, jolly roger (mast!), ink, wine, rubber chicken, gunpowder, cereal. What an explosive combination! Save your game. Q: Whats the cannon for? A: Try putting the rope in it, the gunpowder inside it, and light it with the feather that you caught on fire on the kitchen. Light rope, wear pot, and experiment to find the right position to LAUNCH you to shore. (You have had experience with this) ON THE ISLAND Get the banana. Go to NW corner and go to NW beach. Get note. Go to fort. (near volcano) Get spyglass and rope. Pull cannon. Get everything else. Go to fork in river. Get rock and memo. Look at rock. Go to footholds. UP. Pull primitive art to fartherest left position. Now push it three times to the RIGHT. UP. Use spyglass. Push rock. Down. Read memo. Cross bridge. Use gunpowder on dam and use flint on cannonball. When you stop floating, go to the newly formed pond. Get rope, memo. Go to crack. Use rope on tree and get oars (on the ground). Go to beach. Get in boat and go east then north until you reach a beach. Get message. East then north in boat. Go to voodoo village. Q: I'm in the village and I see a huge stone head. A: get bananas. Go east. Dont give them [cannibals] anything. They will escort you to the guest house. Get skull. Open loose board. (Note: you cant get the banana picker out yet.) Go to the banana tree again. Go north and give all bananas to monkey. Go to clearing. Go east to the fence. Pull nose on left totem pole. Q: I'm at the monkey head now. A: get wimpy little idol and return to the voodoo village. Give idol to cannibals. Enter the guest hut and get banana picker. Toothrot will arrive now. Give the picker to him and he will give you the key. Leave the village and return. Talk until until you hear the word "head" Give the cannibals the leaflet. Get head of navigator and necklace. Go back to the monkey head and use the key. (You should know where to insert it!!!!!) Enter mouth. Use head. When you stop at junction, look at head. It will spin and look in the direction you should go. Q: I'm at a ledge above the ghost ship... A: Talk to head. Ask for necklace. Say please as many times as necessary. Use necklace. Walk to ship. Go west. Use compass on key. Go down and east. Get ghost feather. West. Q: There are crewman sleeping. A: Use ghost feather on their feet twice. Get grog. Go east. Open hatch with key and walk to it. Use the grog in the dish. Get grease. Go to deck. Use grease on Brig door. Open door. Get ghost tools. Return to cargo hold and use tools on the crate. get voodoo root. Leave the ship, exit. Go back to voodoo village and give voodoo root to the cannibals. Get root beer. Go back to Melee Island (tm) and wait for ghost to appear. Use the root beer on him when he does. Go to church. Say "stop the wedding". Use root beer. Q: I'm being beat up by Lechuck. A: Get bottle that falls from grog maching. Use it on LeChuck. You have now completed monkey island!