Mike's Monster Spaghetti Sauce Ingredients - 1 packet of Spaghetti Sauce Mix (any kind). Most of these require 1 can (6 oz) Tomato Paste, 3 cans (18 oz) water, and 1 tbsp butter. 1 small can sliced olives 2 small cans mushrooms (pieces and stems) 2 lbs lean ground hamburger 1 cup red wine Garlic powder Directions - 1. Prepare the spaghetti sauce mix per the directions on the packet. Usually you will mix the contents of the packet with the tomato paste, water, and butter then simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Use a large (4 qt) saucepan. A 3 quart pan isn't quite big enough for the remaining ingredients. 2. While the sauce is simmering, brown the hamburger. Drain the fat from the hamburger. 3. When the sauce is done and the hamburger is browned, mix the olives, mushrooms, hamburger, and wine with the sauce. Drain the water from the olive and mushroom cans before adding them to the sauce. Cover and simmer for at least 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. Add garlic to taste. Comments - The choice of spaghetti sauce mix doesn't matter too much; it is just a convenient way of getting all the spices you need. I like the hamburger broken up, so I microwave it 2 or three minutes then take it out, drain it and break it up; I repeat until the hamburger is done. Some people may like the hamburger in chunks, but the sauce doesn't penetrate into the hamburger so I find the chunks dry and tasteless. Someone suggested using spicy sausage instead of hamburger, because it already has spices mixed in. I tried it once and it wasn't very successful, but you may like it. You can use chopped olives instead of sliced ones. You can also use fresh mushrooms, or dried mushrooms. You can try cooking fresh mushrooms in butter and garlic before adding them to the sauce; that sounds very good but I haven't tried it. The wine is a major component of the taste. Any hearty red wine should be ok. I have been using a Cabernet Sauvignon and that has worked out well. I have also tried Burgandy, but I didn't like that as much as the Cabernet. You can add other spices. Basil and oregano are good in spaghetti sauce, but don't add too much. The spaghetti sauce gets better the longer it cooks. I cook the sauce the the day before and refrigerate it overnight. I simmer it for 20 or 30 more minutes before serving. You can add more wine if the sauce gets too thick.