Hello recipe lovers! And a special hello to all my friends in the Cooking Echo which, unfortunately, I'm currently unable to participate in. This file is one of a series which I am putting together consisting of recipes from my mom's notebooks- recipes which she clipped from magazines, labels, etc., during the 40's, 50's, and early 60's. Many are very basic, simple recipes, but there are also some gourmet delights as well. Hopefully there will be something for all! Besides recipes, there are some hints for menu planning, parties, holidays, etc. Where possible, I've included the source of the recipes, but most are just individual clippings with no clue as to where they came from. So far, the series consists of: QBMOM01 - Miscellaneous: Hints, non-dessert recipes QBMOM02 - Desserts: Pies QBMOM03 - Desserts: Ice cream and frozen QBMOM04 - Desserts: Cakes QBMOM05 - Desserts: Pudding, Custard, Mousse, Jello, Cream, & Sauces QBMOM06 - Desserts: Mostly fruit, but some candies and anything else not fitting in the first 4 dessert categories (except cookies, which will be a future category). I'm still working on the Pies category, so look for more in the (hopefully) near future! Happy cookin' to all! ---Sallie