Configuring the DVX.CFG file for your system. a) The # means this line is remarked out b) Items not remarked out will automaticly be loaded on startup c) #net pctcp - This is for PCTCP networks d) #net ipxspx - This is for IPXSPX networks e) #client mwm - Would start the Motif window manager f) client dwm - Starts the DESQview window manager other clients can be started by adding their name at the end of the list example: to start appman put, client dwm,appman g) type VGA # type of display (EGA, VGA, DGIS, 8514) h) arch 2 # type of memory architecture (2 is only valid value in DVX) This refers to the server display type. 1 is for real mode, 2 stands for protected mode. Since DVX only supports protected mode this swith will be removed in the future i) dispsize 220x160 # physical screen size, in millimeters j) screen 800x600:54h resolution:mode the mode should be listed in the users manual of the video board k) fp fonts\misc,fonts\75dpi l) bc # backwards compatiblity with old server bugs m) bs on # select backing store (OFF, ON, MAPPED, ALWAYS) This is the ability to restore the screen under the menu when the menu dissapears. This feature is patented by AT&T and will not be in the released version of DVX