D&C4INFO 2.10 Drives & Controllers for Information Copyright (c) 1991-1992 By Ken Hunt INTRODUCTION ------------ D&C4INFO contains information gathered from the manufacturers of hard disk drives and controllers. It was originally written to save time and effort at my job (Tech Support). It has become a valuable tool in use by about 45 people on a daily basis. I believe it will prove to be a great time saver for anyone building computer systems. I now have over 500 hours invested in this program, and by it's nature it will always need updating...... To learn the browser, hit H or the F1 key for Help! STANDARD "DEMO" LICENSE ----------------------- D&C4INFO is offered as a "Shareware" type program, and uploading of the code to various bulletin boards and Shareware libraries is encouraged. Several limitations must be implied, however: 1) Under no circumstances should the code be modified or distributed in any other form than what it was originally supplied by the author. The exception is that DC4INFO may be compressed using techniques other than ZIP, but the de-compressed form of D&C4INFO must remain intact. 2) D&C4INFO may not be redistributed in any manner other than electronic file transfer unless cleared with the author beforehand. No money may be received for D&C4INFO except to cover for telecommunications / service charges, and in such a case the cost may not exceed $5.00 US. D&C4INFO may be run for a period of time adequate to allow for full testing of the software. If, after running the code for one month, you decide not to purchase the registration license and number, you must forfeit this license and remove D&C4INFO from operation on your system(s). You may keep a copy online for distribution purposes only. D&C4INFO may not be hacked or modified in ANY manner, including but not limited to modifications leading to the use of features intended for registered users only. These features are marked in this documentation as "Registered Version Only." Also, the registration license is non-transferrable and under no circumstance may the registration number of another individual be used to enable these features or for any other purpose. REGISTRATION LICENSE -------------------- 1) Once purchasing the registration license, several features are added and the license is extended for life. All future releases of D&C4INFO will be made available, for no additional charge for one year. In any event that D&C4INFO does not work properly, the author, Ken Hunt, shall be liable for no more than $49.95 US, and then only if an honest attempt was made to contact the author and the situation remained unresolved. 2) Registering D&C4INFO entitles the registering party access to CCL BBS or whatever location that support is being maintained. This privilege is guaranteed for as long as the program is being developed and supported. Access may be terminated if any rules or regulations of the bulletin board are broken by the registering party. The registered version will include the ability to print and export the drive and controller information. It is my intention to continue adding drives and controllers until all are current, and then to maintain all specs. 3) The registration license is non-refundable and non- transferrable without prior consent of the author, Ken Hunt. DISCLAIMER ---------- The author, Ken Hunt, takes no responsibility nor liability for any data loss, incurred costs, or equipment damage resulting from the use of D&C4INFO, unless evidence can be given to show that the code was written to do so intentionally.