This is the latest SCODL filter for CorelDRAW 2.01L. Contents: EXPFSCDL.DLL (126691 03/19/92) and SCODL.TXT How to install: First, ensure that the CorelDRAW program is completely closed. Second, go into your CorelDRAW directory and rename the old SCODL filter from EXPFSCDL.DLL to EXPFSCDL.OLD. Then copy the new filter into your CorelDRAW Directory. Next, delete the CDCONFIG.SYS file that is located in your CorelDRAW directory. Once you re-start CorelDRAW, you will receive an error message that says your "Config file cannot be found. Using built-in defaults", just click OK and a new CDCONFIG.SYS will be created. Things to be aware of: The capability of exporting a "NUL" background has been removed. Exporting paragraph text takes some time to export. There are no problems with the end result, but, if time is a factor it would be advisable to use Headline text instead of paragraph text for your slide. The other problem we have come across relates to creating a fountain fill between two Spot colors. It takes a long time to export and the final result is incorrect. Please avoid using this feature combination. Fountain fills between two process colors, however, does work properly. Please direct any questions or concerns regarding this filter to our Technical Support Line at (613) 728-1990 or by fax at (613) 761-9175. Thank you.