******************* PFMedit Users Guide ******************* PFMedit allows editing several key properties in a PFM font metrics file associated with a type 1 PostScript font. It also allows editing of the kerning data for Type 1 PS fonts. IT IS ASSUMED THAT THE USER IS FAMILIER WITH POSTSCRIPT FONTS, AND THAT THE USER UNDERSTANDS WHAT EFFECT ANY CHANGES THEY MAKE WILL HAVE ON THE FONT. Prior to making any changes to a PFM file, PFM edit creates a backup of the original PFM file with and extension of .MBK. PFMedit is distributed as Freeware, but it is copyrighted by the author. *********** PROPERTIES: *********** PFMedit has two screens: Properties and Kerning. The desired screen is selected from the main window menu. Properties allows viewing and modification of the following items: 1. Windows Family Name 2. Font Weight 3. Font Family 4. Character Set 5. Font Italic Property 6. Font Pitch Additionaly, pressing the "Display All" command button in the properties screen will display every field within a PFM file including the entire extent table and kern table if one exists. Desired fonts are selected by selecting the desired drive and directory using the drive/directory list boxes. Available fonts in a directory are intially displayed by file name. If you'd like to view them by font full name, simply click on the "Display Font Names" check box. Double click on the desired font to open it in the properties window. When a font is selected, the various property controls are set to the font's current values. You can modify the Font Family name by typing in a new name in the provided text box. All other properties are modified by selecting the appropriate radio button or check box for the desired property. When all desired property changes have been made, simply press "SAVE CHANGES." Following a verification message box, a new PFM file is created with the new properties. You can return all properties to their original values by pressing "UNDO CHANGES" anytime prior to creating a new PFM file. WEIGHT: Under Windows 3.0, only two font weights are utilitized: Regular and Bold. While only these two weights have been used, Windows actually has provision for 9 font weights ranging from Thin to Heavy or Black. It is rumored that win 3.1 may activate the entire range of weights. Because of this, all weight possibilities are defined in PFMedit, but when run under windows 3.0, only regular and bold are enabled. When run under Win 3.1, all weights will be active. If Win 3.1 does not include the other weights, I will proved a modification to deactivate the unused weights. I'd like to leave the entire list, however, as a reminder for us all to grind on MS to make them avialable. If you want to view all values in a PFM file, simply press DISPLAY ALL. ******** KERNING: ******** ************************************************************************ NOTE: Adobe Type Manager (ATM) is required for use of the kerning feature of PFMedit. Only fonts currently installed in ATM are available for use in the kerning portion of this program. ************************************************************************ Using the kerning feature of PFMedit, the user may modify any existing kern pair values or they may create new kern pairs. First, select the desired font by double clicking on it in the Available Fonts list box. Only fonts currently installed and active in ATM are available. When a font is selected, the Available Fonts list box changes to display all current kern pairs and their current values. You can enter the desired character pair to kern by either double clicking on an existing pair in the list box or entering the two characters in the "Characters to Kern" text boxes as indicated. Characters with ASCII values above 127 are entered in the standard windows manner of ALT-0xxx where xxx is the high ascii value for the character. As soon as any two characters are selected, they will be displayed in the large picture box with any current kerning applied. All kerning values are in 1/1000 font em units. You adjust kern spacing by simply using the scroll bar beneath the kern pair display. Minimum kerning increments are determined by the resolution of your screen. Under VGA, the increments are 5 em units and under 1024 hi-res, the minimum is 4 em units. These minimum increments are equal to the width of 1 pixel on the display. The initial display of selected kern pairs is 144pt size. A verticle red rule is displayed indicating the left side of the bounding box for the first character. The left edge of the display is the left side of the first character's bounding box. Due to the fact that some glyphs have negative side bearings, some characters will display with a small portion of the left clipped when they are the first character. In this 144pt display, there are also a vertical and horizontal rule divided into font em units for reference. You may also view and vary the kerning using two kinds of text displays, Custom Text and Lorem Text. With Lorem Text, a random piece of the Lorem Ipsum file included with Page Maker is selected to surround the kern pair. Each time you select Lorem Text after displaying one of the other text views, a new set of surronding characters if selected. You can also enter your own text string using Custom Text. When you select Custom Text, the x-axis ruler under the font display changes into a text box. Enter your desired text string in this text box. You can edit your custom text in this text box with all the standard windows editing functions. While the primary character pair display is a fixed 144pt type size, you may select any of 5 type sizes for Custom and Lorem text: 24pt, 30pt, 36pt, 42pt and 48pt. Simply select the radio button for the desired size. Kerning can be adjusted and viewed in any of the three character display modes using the scroll bar. You can move between any display mode and text size as much as you like while editing a kern pair. You can return to the kern pairs original kerning value at any time by pressing the RESET command button. When you are satisfied with the displayed kerning for a pair and want to save it, simply press the SAVE CHANGE command button. This will bring up an "Are your sure?" message box so you can abort saving the change if you wish. If you save a new kerning pair, it is added to the kern pairs list box. The value for an existing pair is updated in the list box. If you go back and modify a kern pair value later and save the new value, it will overwrite any previous changes. When you are done editing kern pairs in a font, press the "DONE" command button. This will bring up another abort message box in case you change your mind. If you select YES from this message box, a new kern pair table is created in the PFM file. If you select DONE without having saved any kern pair changes, the porgram will simply exit editing that font. After saving your changes, a second dialog box will appear asking if you would like to create a new kern pair section that can be pasted into the font's AFM file. If you answer yes, an ascii text file is created with all kerning data that can be pasted into the font's AFM file. This AFM fragment will have the same base file name as the editied font and an extension of .KPX. Selecting the CLOSE command button when no font is currently selected for kern editing will exit the kerning window and return to the main window. PFMedit was written and copyrighted by Dennis Harrington, CIS 76216,3472. It is distributed as Freeware. If you'd like more information on the contents and tables of the Post- Script Type 1 PFM file, get a copy of the "Microsoft Windows Device Development Kit - Printers and Fonts Kit." This manual is available at no charge from Miscrosoft customer service.