This 4-color wheel was designed for anyone who happens to do 4-color work and needs to make sure that the color value they choose will be the color's they get back from their imagesetter/service bureau. To use the wheel you must open the file in CorelDraw 2.0. (Or use the .EPS supplied if you don't have CorelDraw) Print with seperation options turned on and select the appropriate line screen that you normally do your 4-color work in. (You may want to edit the text on the wheel first if you happen to use various service bureau's and screen frequency) With the film you can now have a color-key made. (Check with your service bureau on where you may be able to have this done) There has been a circle made in the center so you may punch a hole in the color key and by inserting a bracket and triming the edges, you now have your own personal color wheel. The reason for making this was that I saw similar wheels already made at Pre-press shows. This was a good idea but working with many service bureau's in the past one thing is true. All service bureau's output color work differntly. This is even more crucial when doing 4-color work. (Screen angles, moire's and screen percentage's +-3% will affect the final color) Even when outputting to two differn't imagesetter's of the same model the screen's that are made can be differn't and they usually are. So by using this wheel you can tell exactly which process color may work for you at your service bureau and which won't. I hope that you will be able to get the color's you want and if you find this useful a donation of $1 to $1,000 made out to Dan DeSimoni would be greatly appreciated. Mail to: Dan DeSimoni - Desktop IT 2114 S. Acama St., #A Anaheim, CA 92806