* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pegasus * * Release 1.0 * * May 19, 1992 * * * * John Girard * * 446 Novavista Drive * * Winnipeg, MB * * CANADA * * R2N 3V9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Introduction ************ History of the Game Pegasus is based on a game of Solitaire that is thought to have been invented in the early 1700s by Frenchmen inprisoned in Solitary confinement. Although that is disputed, it is known that the game was very popular in England by the end of the 1700s. The game is played on a board with 33 holes, normally 32 holes contain pegs at the start of game, although the starting number of pegs msy vary. The aim is to remove pegs by jumping them, leaving a single peg in the center. System Requirements Pegasus is designed to be played on IBM PC or true compatible equipped with a EGA or VGA monitor and a mouse. I had considered supporting other PC configurations and will in the future if there is a demand for it. Shareware Registration Pegasus is shareware. That means you are free to try the game, but if you continue to use the game you should register with the author by sending a registration fee of $5.00 to the author at the above address. That really is quite a good deal and by supporting shareware authors you will be able to continue obtaining quality software at very reasonable prices. You may also freely copy this game and give it to your friends provided you do not charge for the program and do not alter any part. When you register the game, please let me know what version you have and what you think of the game. I would appreciate any comments you have on improving the game or any problems that you discover. All registered users will be notified of new versions and changes that have been made. Users who submit a registration of $10.00 or more will be sent the currnt version with their name on the title screen and a new shareware program to try. Playing Solitarius ****************** When you start the program, a title screen will appear. You must press a mouse key to continue the game. General Rules The object of Pegasus is very simple, you try to remove as many pegs as you can from the board. Ideally all pegs but one will be removed and the remaining peg will lie in the centre hole. Pegs are removed by "jumping" them. To jump a peg an adjacent peg moves to a vacant hole opposite to its starting point. Pegs may jump backward, forward, sideways or diagonally (some people do not allow diagonal jumps, but this version does). Game Controls Use your left mouse button to click on the following buttons: QUIT: Exits the game and returns to DOS. NEW: Starts a new game with the same setup. BACK: Each click takes back one turn. You may click BACK repeatedly to move all the back to your first move. This is handy when 'think' you are close to solving the puzzle. SETUP: There are three builtin game boards: Full Board, Triangle and Cross (in descending order of difficulty). You may also choose Design Own, you then fill the holes that you wish to be full at the beginning of the game. The new board will remain active until you choose QUIT or NEW. DEMO: If you are playing one of the three builtin boards, this will reset the game and show you one of the possible winning games. INSTR: An abbreviated online version of the rules. Files ***** You should received two files, this one (Pegasus.Txt) and the actual game (Pegasus.Exe). Please feel free to pass this program to friends, BBSs etc but make sure both files are included. If you archive the files please call the archive PEGA10 with the appropriate extension (zip, arj, pak etc). Disclaimer ********** Pegasus is sold 'as-is', without any warranty as to performance or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the many hardware and software environments into which this program may be used, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement or the refund of the registration fee. Other Games by John Girard ************************** VGA-Renju VGA-RENJU is a variation of the game of Go, an ancient game from the Orient. Go has been played for at least 2000 years and is considered the most popular game in the world today. Despite this, Go is not very well known in North America. Go is a game of position played on a board of 19 vertical lines and 19 horizontal lines. The intersections of these lines are called points and this is where the players place the game pieces known as stones. Go is a very complex game which challenges Chess in terms of movement strategy. VGA- RENJU is modelled after a simpler variation known by many names including: Renju, Moku and Go-Moku. (Requires VGA and mouse)