COURSE: Snake River Golf LOCATION: Southeastern Washington & Oregon DESIGN: Designed for JNSE by Ron Enfield ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Thanks to Accolade for makeing JNSE and for the clipart. Also want to thank Scott Chesney and Mark Willitt for Giving me the inspiration to design this course, their Outstanding work gave me something to shoot for. COMMENTS: Being a weekend golfer i wanted to design a course that was scenic and somewhat challenging. Putting being half of the game of golf i wanted to make it a little easier for us weekend golfers so thats why the flat greens. Come to think of it not to many greens have that much of a break but then again some do. Hope you enjoy this course, Cause this course is for you. Also this is a fictional course if anyone is interested. UPCOMING COURSES: Bay Hill, Pinehurst, and Firestone