Hello, This is a game a wrote during the off months of the summer of 91. It is very simple and I am really uploading it for people to have a few moments of amusment before they erase it from their hard-drives. Anyway, you control the Termix man as he does battle with the nasty wasps. "i" move the man up "k" moves the man down "j" moves the man to the left "l" moves the man to the right "w" fires up "s" fires down "a" fires to the left "d" fires to the right "q" quits the game If you have any questions or would like a copy of the "c" source code Write Thad Holly 1700 woodbury Rd. #2108 orlando Fl, 32828 on GEnie T.Holly2. or at the Speakeasy BBS (407) 291-4626 or at the After Eight BBS (407) 856-7207 Have Fun!!!