ÿ This package contains two programs to convert Genealogy on Display to family view Ver 1.x CONVPER.EXE CONVMAR.EXE The first is the person file conversion. First input request is the target file name. This should be your surname and it has to be the same name as the setup program has. Type your name in and press the enter key. The next request is the number of actual records !!! Not the number of blank records that genealogy on Display prepared for you when you first started using it. This program writes a file to disk with a .PER extension eg RINGER.PER The second is the marriage file conversion. First input request is the target file name. This has to be the same as the name you entered in person the file conversion. Type your name in and press the enter key. The next request is the number of actual records !!! Not the number of blank records that genealogy on Display prepared for you when you first started using it. This program writes a file to disk with a .MAR extension eg RINGER.MAR If there are any questions you can reach me on the GSDS echo or send mail to Garry Ringer 2700 Saratoga Pl. #211 Gloucester Ont. K1T 1W4 Canada thank you Garry