This set of files was developed over a number of years for the Amateur Radio classes I teach each year. I have been giving 20 - 25 questions each week to the students as homework and have found that those who take the time and effort to complete the questions have no problems with the theory portion of the exam when it is written. As the instructor it also provides me with some feedback as to whether a section has not been covered well enough. The data files are divided by subject and as a subject is taught those questions can added to the list used by the program. There is provision to purge the main list and start over for each new class as well as the ability to add, change or delete questions if desired. There should be 18 data base files as follows, AMPLIFIE.DB ANTENNAS.DB CAPACITO.DB DIODES.DB INDUCTOR.DB LISTS.DB MAINMENU.DB MODULATI.DB OSCILLAT.DB PROPOGAT.DB PSUPPLIE.DB QUESTION.DB RECEIVER.DB REGS.DB RESISTOR.DB SSB_FM.DB TRANSIST.DB AND TRANSMIT.DB There should also be one script file "HAMTEST.SC". If any of these files are missing the script file will not work properly. System Requirements. Paradox or Paradox Run Time package IBM compatable computer. I have tested it on 286, 386 and 486 machines with no problems noted. I haven't tried it with a mono monitor so don't know what it will look like. Feel free to upload this package to your local bulletin board, but please leave all files intact and including this readme file. If you have Paradox or Paradox run time feel free to use it. A comment as to how you like it would be appreciated. If you do not have Paradox or the runtime package, the Paradox Run Time package can be obtained from me for $10.00 to cover postage handling etc. I will also include on the disk the latest version with latest revised question lists as I am constantly revising these. I can be reached at 643 Bloor St. East Oshawa, Ontario Canada L1H 3N4 Tel 1-416-434-2886 between 5 and 9 pm Rick Gibson VE3ASH There are no guarantees either expressed or implied with this package I found it works for me. If it works for you great.