Fingers N Toes Copyright (c) 1991, by AmerInd, Inc. Fingers N Toes for Windows is released as shareware with the understanding that if it us used and found to be of value, the user will register with a contribution of $15.00 US dollars. This program is copyrighted by AmerInd, Inc.. AmerInd, Inc. hereby licences you to: use the software; make as many copies of the program as you wish; give such copies to anyone; and distribute the software via electronic means. You may not charge or request donations for any such copies, however made. An exception is granted to not-for-profit users groups, which are authorized to charge a small fee (not to exceed $7) for materials, handling, postage, and general overhead. You may not distribute the software with commercial products without prior permission. No for-profit organization is authorized to charge any amount for distribution of copies of the software, or to include copies of the software with sales of their own products. No copy of this software may be distributed or given away without this document, and this notice must not be removed. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY This software is sold without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Because of the diversity of conditions and hardware under which this software may be used, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. The user is advised to test the program thoroughly before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any liability of seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of the purchase price. ========================================================================== REGISTRATION CARD NAME: COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: SIGNATURE: ========================================================================== Send the registration card and $15.00 US dollars to: AmerInd, Inc. Technology Application Division FINGERS N TOES 1310 Braddock Place Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 836-5900 Virginia residents add 4.5% sales tax. By sending in the registration card and $15.00 you are entitled to a printed manual, technical support services for one year and notification of upgrades when they are available. Technical support is handled through Compuserve account# 70731,3317(WINADV). If you do not belong to compuserve you may contact us directly by phone, ask for "Fingers N Toes technical support". =========================================================================== Fingers and Toes Just some notes: All files that come with Fingers N Toes must be present or the application will NOT run. Follow the steps below to install Fingers N Toes without an installation disk. 1. Copy all files to a directory of your choosing. 2. Add the following 2 lines to your WIN.INI file: [FIGNTOE] Dir=C:\FIGNTOE Change C:\FIGNTOE to the name of the directory that you copied the files to. 3. Run Windows. 4. Select New from the Files menu to create a new program. 5. Enter the description: Fig N Toe. 6. Enter the program as the directory you copied the files to, plus FIGNTOE.EXE. 7. That should do it. 8. Double click on the Fingers N Toes icon and read the help to find out how everything works. Follow the steps below to install Fingers N Toes with an installation disk. 1. Run Windows. 2. Select Run from the Files menu. 3. Run the INSTALL program from the installation disk. 4. That should do it. 5. Double click on the Fingers N Toes icon and read the help to find out how everything works.