X00 beta v1.49a Quick Fix for OS/2 2.0 DOS Box FOSSIL Operations OS/2 2.0 allows simultaneous OS/2, DOS, and Windows sessions. Virtually any DOS program can be run in a DOS box the same as it runs under real DOS. However, OS/2 2.0 is designed to protect tasks vigorously from one another, and will allow only one comm port to be accessed from within any session. This poses a problem for X00 and other FOSSIL drivers, which attempt (at install time) to check for all ports available. This beta version of X00 has been modified to function under OS/2, and has been tested using the following configuration: X00.SYS copied to X00.EXE and used as a TSR. Commands used to set up Com1 locked at 38400 bps: MODE COM1:38400,N,8,1,,TO=OFF,XON=OFF,IDSR=ON,ODSR=ON,OCTS=ON,DTR=ON,RTS=HS,BUFFER=ON X00 E 1 B,0,38400 F=15 T=1024 R=2048 Smaller transmit buffers may yield faster transmit speed. This version of X00 will have to do until Ray Gwinn receives and experiments with an OS/2 V2