ZW-DOS SOFTWARE NOTES (c) Ya-Gui Wei 1992 ZW-DOS seeks to simulate a text-mode screen that is Chinese-compatible using the graphic capabilities of the various video adaptors. Since the graphic capabilities of the video systems vary, it is not always possible to simulate all the text-mode features completely, -- this results in some visual peculiarities. The incomplete simulation some- times affects program execution, therefore incompatibilities. Sometimes, due to programmer inaptitude or oversight, the computer is not doing what the programmer wanted it to do, these are bugs. This file is intended to document the various peculiarities of ZW-DOS that the user needs to be aware of. (1) Visual peculiarities due to incomplete simulation of text mode. Note: These peculiarities occur only when the screen display is in Chinese mode. In ASCII mode, you should not see any of these. a. ZWEGA/ZWVGA: The EGA and VGA versions of ZWDOS have the most complete simulation of the text modes. Character color and intensity are well-simulated. Yet some of the EGA/VGA features are no longer supported: - Loading of alternate ASCII text fonts are no longer supported. The default system fonts are always used. - Switching of the screen to 43-line mode (or anything other than a 80x25 dimension) is no longer supported. - Blinking characters are no longer supported -- they will appear with a high-intensity background color instead. b. Hercules Monochrome version: The Hercules version simulates the original monochrome character attributes such as invisibility, underscore, and reversed vido. Yet: - Blinking characters are no longer supported. They appear the same as regular characters. - There will be no visual difference between low-intensity and high-intensity attributes. - Control of cursor size is not implemented. c. CGA version (including CGA version for AT&T laptop 640x400 mode): The color capabilities of these adaptors in their graphic mode is pitiful (so is the resolution of the CGA adaptor). The programmer has done what he can under the circumstances, yet the simulation of text mode is quite unsatisfactory. - Colors, intensity difference, and blinking of characters are no longer supported. All characters are in black- and white and with the same intensity. Those characters with a background color value higher than the foreground value will appear as reverse video. - Direct reading of screen buffer content is no longer supported. Any programs that try to read, copy or scroll the screen directly will produce garbage dots on screen. This can be fixed by simply redrawing the screen, if your application can do that. - Text output to screen occasionally may be lost, resulting in non-updating on a few locations of the screen. This too can be fixed by redrawing the screen. - Control of cursor size and blinking frequency is not supported. The cursor will appear to be blinking very fast and this cannot be changed. (2) Incompatibilities related to mice: a. The CGA and VGA versions: If you load these versions of ZWDOS AFTER you load the mouse driver, the graphic mouse cursor may appear when the screen is in Chinese mode. While the graphic mouse cursor is nicer-looking than the text-mode counter-part, it causes trouble with ZWDOS's screen updating. Therefore it is best to load the mouse driver after loading these versions of ZWDOS. b. The EGA version: Don't load the mouse driver when the display is in Chinese mode. The mouse driver will be tremendously confused about the video configuration and proceeds to crash the system. c. The Hercules version: There are no known incompatibility with mouse drivers. (3) Incompatibilities related to graphic applications ZWDOS only simulates a Chinese-compatible text mode. It does nothing with the graphic modes of the video systems. You cannot input or display Chinese characters with graphic mode applications. (4) Running ZWDOS with DESQview/386, Windows 3.0, or OS/2: Despite what is said about the multi-tasking capabilities of these systems, they may still be confused when the screen is switched to Chinese mode by ZWDOS. Therefore it may be best to load ZWDOS within a DOS session of these systems, and run that DOS session in full screen mode at all times. When you are done with ZWDOS, try to make the screen switch back to ASCII mode before closing that DOS session. (5) HZ Codes That Span Multiple Lines HZ codes with the opening tilde-brace NOT closed on the same line may be occasionally not displayed properly -- typically the first few lines are display in Chinese while the remaining lines are displayed in ASCII. (Sometimes the opening tilde-brace has been scrolled out of the screen, which also causes the remaining paragraph not being displayed properly.) When you are entering HZ text, try to close each tilde-brace pairs on the same line, if at all possible. (6) Bug List: If you discover some bugs or problems with the programs that have not been described in this file, report it to the programmer. The programmer will try to fix the bug. If it is too much trouble, the bug will appear in this file in future releases.