Other Candidates Former Minnesota Sen Eugene McCarthy is making his 6th bid for the White House. McCarthy, 75, launched his presidential campaign Oct 5 and says it will be "a personal confrontation with the Bush administration." Actor Tom Laughlin, 53, known for his role in the 1970s Billy Jack movies, is running, even though he says he is the "least qualified person I know to be president." Also in the race is Libertarian Party nominee Andre Marrou, 52, a Las Vegas real estate agent and former Alaska state legislator who ran as the party's VP nominee in 1988. Consumer advocate Ralph Nader is stumping in New Hampshire as a write-in primary candidate protesting corrupting in big government and business. Nader, 57, says he is not a serious candidate but says he wants to have a "none of the above" option listed on the state's ballot. Lenora Fulani, 41, a New York civil rights activist, is seeking the presidential nomination of the New Alliance Party and has qualified for federal matching campaign funds. Fulani ran for president in 1988 and was on the ballot in all 50 states. She received about 250,000 votes. Larry Agran, 46, former mayor of Irvine, Cal, is seeking the Democratic nomination and says he'll be an advocate for cities. Another Democratic candidate is the Rev Patrick Mahoney, 37, of Boca Raton, Fla, a anti-abortion activist and Operation Rescue leader. Ron Daniels, 49, the Rev Jesse Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign manager, is running as an independent. He says he wants to establish a "socially responsible economy."