1992 Developers Competition "Fire All Your Guns at Once!" On-Line Competition Do you know about the on-line competition? It will be held concurrently with the 1992 Developers Competition in Durham, North Carolina. It is the same format as the Durham competition but meets the needs of those who can't travel or spend the extra time and money involved in a trip to North Carolina. Can you help to see that as many of your developers know about this opportunity to compete? We would like you to put this announcement (or one like it) in one of your mailings to your users and developers. In return, you can offer your developers a 25% discount toward the entry fee. Sample "camera ready" copy is also included with this mailing. The concurrent developers competition will be held through CompuServe so that those who can't get to Durham can compete. Here are the basics. - Same rules apply - $300 Entry fee/team - Specification will be mailed to you by CompuServe mail at approx. 8:00 your local time. At 3:00 your local time, you will receive the queries for the reports. By 5:00 you must have your reports, the system, and any software necessary to run your system in Federal Express for delivery Monday morning. Question and Answers about the specification will be conducted on a CompuServe Forum. - A first pass based on the reporting results will yield the teams that continue for judging. - We will then schedule a time for a telephone conference for you to demonstrate the other judging criteria. - You will only compete against other on-line competitors. - Cash prizes will be awarded based on participation. Products will be given to any team that submits an application for judging. For more information about the concurrent competition on CompuServe, contact the 1992 Developers Competition, 1816 Front Street, Suite 130, Durham, NC 27705, 919-383-9749.