As I was playing the recent RAZOR 1911 release Gateway, I stumbled upon a bug that will prevent you from completing the game. To get the gun from the armory, you must open the vent and press the button. When you try to press the button, the game will tell you there is no button, even though it just told you it was there. I contacted Legend Entertainment and they gave me the following work-around to get past the bug. Complete the following steps exactly as listed. From inside the armory, go EAST Go SOUTH Go WEST (you will now be in Room T20) SAVE (call your save game anything you want) QUIT Restart the game, but do not restore. You should now be at the beginning of the game, in your quarters. RESTORE your saved game. You may now return to the armory, open the vent and press the button. You can now successfully complete the game. Enjoy! Hyperion ú RAZOR 1911 Greets to: The Renegade Chemist - Have fun in Europe! Darwin - Long time no talk. RAZOR Couriers - Keep up the good work guys.