IMPORT FROM ACT! TO TELEMAGIC ------------------------------ Is there any way to get my information from ACT! into TeleMagic? I know you can do a User Defined Import, but I need my notepad information, too. "We know of two programs designed to do just this. A program has been developed by Roy Spiegel of Nationwide Computer Dynamics to do the conversion from ACT! to TeleMagic. The program converts all the fields in ACT, including the notepads. "Another product to do just that is currently being developed by Mr. Dale Jelinek of Pacific Micro Group in San Francisco, California. "The finished product (the output of a completed conversion process) is a fully functional, dBASE III compatible file structure: it will be a .DBT file. The program works by moving ACT!'s proprietary data format to an ASCII file and operating on the ASCII file only. "The product will merge the converted notepads into existing TeleMagic contact records. Currently, the program is converting 500 records [about 1.5 MB of disk space] from ACT! to TeleMagic in 60 to 90 seconds. "According to Dale, this is key for two reasons. First, ACT's proprietary format has behaved in unexpected ways when direct conversion is attempted. Dale is working with ACT's programmers toward a solution. The other reason is a much-needed feature: the program will eventually work on any ASCII text file and is not limited to conversion of ACT's proprietary format! Dale is planning to complete the ACT!-to-TM product first before finishing the generalized ASCII conversion program. Pricing Information ------------------- "I'm sorry, specific pricing information is not yet available. [For more information, authorized resellers can contact Dale directly at 415-362-1194; endusers should be referred to their authorized reseller.]" (end of 483) 08-06-90 new ERA 11-15-90 rev VGK 02-13-91 rev JED 02-27-91 rev ERA˙