Q: How do I print envelopes from the envelope tray on my HPIII? A: This works on a HPIII but will not work on a HPII: Press "W" for word processor Press "E" for existing file Type E (enter) [name of file] Enter these codes on the very first line of the file: * * \/[&CHR(027)+'&l6h81a1O'] [Note that you MUST render these characters EXACTLY! Preserve upper and lowercase. Under the 1st asterisk is a lowercase L (not a number 1) and under the 2nd asterisk is an uppercase O (not a zero)] Now at the bottom of the document, you will see the expression: \/[EJECT] Remove the \/[EJECT] statement and replace it with this: \/[&CHR(027)+'E'] When the default settings are restored, an EJECT is automatically issued so there is now no need for the old EJECT statement. For the curious in the bunch, the code breakdowns are as follows: l81a = commercial size 10 envelope 6H = pull from envelope tray 1O = set landscape mode E = restore default settings (this way it is easy to print a formletter and an envelope each from their own tray and be all set to print another pair.) For alternate tray configurations, you may substitute the 6H with: 1H = upper tray 2H = manual feed 3H = manual envelope feed 4H = lower tray END of 513 NEW 12-10-90 DRM REV 05-08-91 FXG indexed: laser printer, envelopes, HPENV