How do I print my Standard Address in ALL CAPS for bulk mailing labels, so that the address doesn't have blank lines? Release 11.x ------------ "Right now, the easiest way to accomplish this is to change your label file (L) in the TeleMagic word processor to the following: \/[&UPPER(CON)] \/[&UPPER(AD1)] \/[&IIF (AD2=" ",UPPER(TRIM(CIT))+' '+(STA)+' '+(ZIP),UPPER(AD2))] \/[&IIF (AD2=" ",' ',UPPER(TRIM(CIT))+' '+(STA)+' '+(ZIP))] Plus 2 blank lines for standard 1-inch labels. Add as many more blank lines as necessary to fit your own labels. "To print these labels, you can use the Reports, Labels command, and of course, sort the labels in Zip Code Sequence for Bulk mailing." TeleMagic V12.xx ---------------- "Instead of using the regular STDADR command, you can use the new STDADR! or STDADR-! command. This puts your entire standard address in all upper case. It's one of the new features of V12." (end of 540) 06-07-91 NEW MLM 06-21-91 rev AMD index: A All Caps B Bulk mail D Dbase Commands L Label M Mailing, Bulk S Standard Address U Upper case