TELEMAGIC FILES When I do a directory listing on my Master Diskettes, the files are different from the list on page 119 of the manual. What files are supposed to be on the diskettes and what do they do? "During the final Beta testing of V12, the program was evolving so quickly that the documentation couldn't keep up! To get the product out to the customers on time we had to freeze the development of the documentation and send it to the printers. There will be an update to the documentation soon. Here is a list of the files on each diskette and what they are: 3.5" DISKS: ========== Disk #1 (6 Files) Description ----------------- ------------- INSTALL EXE Install Program INSTALL HLP Install Help LHARC EXE Lharc Compression Program TMSYS DBF TM System TMEXEC LZH MAGIC EXE & OVL README V12 What's new in V12 FILELIST TXT File list for each diskette and contents of TMMISC.LZH file TMMEM$$$ MEM Main Mem File Disk #2 (5 FILES) ------------------ TMMISC LZH Database, Index, & Formletters TMREPG LZH Report Generator (TMRW.EXE and TMRW.OVL) TMHELP LZH Full Help SUPPORT COM System Information program LHMAN LZH Lharc Manual ADDONS LZH Database of the TeleMagic addon packages available. Installed from the Install program's Database Utilities. 5.25" DISKS: ============ Disk #1 (5 files) ----------------- INSTALL EXE Install program INSTALL HLP Install Help LHARC EXE Lharc File Compression Program TMSYS DBF TeleMagic System README V12 What's new in V12 FILELIST TXT File list for each diskette and contents of TMMISC.LZH file TMMEM$$$ MEM Main Mem File Disk #2 (1 FILE) ---------------- TMEXEC LZH MAGIC EXE & OVL Disk #3 (2 files) ----------------- TMMISC LZH Database, Index, & Formletters TMREPG LZH Report Generator (TMRW.EXE and TMRW.OVL) Disk #4 (3 files) ----------------- TMHELP LZH Full Help SUPPORT COM System Info. LHMAN LZH Lharc Manual ADDONS LZH Database of the TeleMagic addon packages available. Installed from the Install program's Database Utilities. ÿ TMMISC.LZH file --------------- The compressed file TMMISC.LZH (on disk #2 of the 3.5 diskettes and disk #3 of the 5.25 diskettes) contains the following files when unpacked: 2COLA A ABL.DBF ANSWERS CHESHIRE .LBL E HPENV INTRO L L2 LABEL1UP .LBL LABEL2UP .LBL LABEL3UP .LBL LEADGEN1 .FML LEADGEN2 .FML LEADGEN3 .FML M MEMINFO .FML N PID .NTX R4 R5 RCL .NTX REFREQ .FML SAMPLE .FRM SEMINAR1 .FML SID .NTX T TM .BAT TMAPPTS .DBF TMAPPTS .DBT TMAPPTS .NTX TMAPPTSA .DBF TMAPPTSA .DBT TMAPPTSA .NTX TMCLHIST .DBF TMCOMP .NTX TMCUMAST .DBF TMCUMAST .DBT TMCUSTRU .DBF TMEMAIL .DBF TMEMAIL .DBT TMEMAIL .NTX TMEMAILA .DBF TMEMAILA .DBT TMEMAST .DBF TMEMAST .NTX TMEMUSER .NTX TMHELP .DBF TMHELP .DBT TMHELP .NTX TMINDEX .MEM TMITHIST .DBF TMITHIST .NTX TMITMAST .DBF TMITMAST .NTX TMITORDR .DBF TMITORDR .TX TMLIST .DBF TMLIST .NTX TMLSTBOX .DBF TMLSTBOX .DBT TMLSTBOX .NTX TMMEM$$$ .MEM TMMEM .MEM TMOPTS .DBF TMOPTS .DBT TMPRINT .DBF TMPRINT .NTX TMSPLIN2 .NTX TMSPLINF .DBF TMSPLINF .NTX TMSPLTXT .DBF TMSPLTXT .NTX TMUSHELP .DBF TMUSHELP .DBT TMUSHELP .NTX TRADESHW .DBF TYREQINF .FML (End of 549) NEW 09-11-91 MLM REV 10-15-91 MLM Indexed under: F Files, V12 Master Diskettes T TM Files, V12 Master Diskettes V V12