Q: When I try to print labels the Country is printed below the city, state, and zip. It's throwing the spacing off on my labels. How can I get the country to print on the same line as the state? A: "The `L' file shipped with the program contains the \/[STDADR] (standard address) command. Since most people never have the need to mail items to other countries, the Country is not included as part of the standard address. "To get the Country to print on the same line as the State you will want to edit your `L' file (the formletter used to print standard labels). Make your "L" file look like this: \/[CON] \/[COM] \/[AD1] \/[AD2-] \/[&trim(cit)+", "+STA+" "+trim(ZIP)+" "+CTY] \/[&IIF(ad2=' ',crlf+crlf,crlf)] Note: If AD2 is blank, the blank line will be suppressed in the address and an extra blank line will be added at the end to keep the spacing on the labels correct. (End of 566) New 10-08-91 MLM Indexed under: A Address, Printing Country on same line as STA in Labels C Country Field not printing on same line as STA L Labels, Country Code not Printing on same line as STA