Q: While trying to install V12, I am getting the error message "Error while unpacking _________". A: "One thing that can cause this error message is if you are running QEMM 5.1 of below. The install will work fine if you upgrade your QEMM to 5.2 or above. Until you can upgrade, just comment out the line in your Autoexcec.bat that invokes QEMM by placing "REM " at the begining of the line. [There may other reasons for recieveing this error message, this is just on thing tat we know can cause it.] (End of 568) NEW 10-08-91 MLM Indexed under: E V12, "Error while Unpacking" msg during Install˙ Q QEMM conflict with V12 V V12, "Error while Unpacking" msg during Install I V12, "Error while Unpacking" msg during Install