Q: When I use \ /[Date] in my formletters, only the first letter of the month is capitalized. How can I get it to capitalize the whole month? A: Instead of using \ /[Date] in your formletters, use the following command: \ /[&Upper(Cmonth(Date()))+' '+Subs(Dtoc(Date()),4,2)+ ' '+'19'+Subs(Dtoc(date()),7,2)] Most likely this command is going to be longer than one line in your formletter. After the command is actually executed (which happens when the formletter is printed), it will only be as long as the current date (example: OCTOBER 29 1991). When entering this command in your formletter, it is important NOT to have any hard returns ANY WHERE in the command string! At the end of the first line do not press the key (which would cause a hard return), simply allow the line to line wrap down automatically. NOTE: When inserting this command into yoour document, do not put the space between the `\' and the `/'. This is done in this document to prevent any merging from being done when this help file is printed. (End of 574) NEW 10/29/91 MLM Indexed under: D Date Uppercasing the MONTH U Upper Case of the MONTH in a Date