What's New Fenimore's Macro Suite ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Modified: ALT A, B, E, F, N, V, X; CTRL S; ADDR2ENV, ALTKEY, ASCII, BARCODE, TABLE; Shift Enhanced Right Arrow NEW: ALT G, M The following are the most recent changes: ALTA 2 May2 Options may now be chosen by number. (Version 3.72) ALTB 5 May2 The type of blocking action chosen is now identified (Word, Sentence, Paragraph, Page, and Document) as the action takes place. For fast systems this isn't a big deal. However, for slower systems it lets you know that your choice is taking place and that the system hasn't decided to hang. A blocked word which had multiple punctuation marks (such as a right parenthesis followed by a period) at its end used to include the first punctuation mark. This should no longer happen and the word alone should now be blocked. (Version 3.52) 6 May2 Improvement upon the block action in version 3.52. If the word had enhancements (size or attributes codes) or a hidden hyphen ("ctrl -") then the word block wasn't working as desired. This modification takes those special circumstances under consideration and blocks the word accordingly. Also, this improvement allows a word to be blocked when there's a table (with locked cells in the first column and/or row, or an empty table) between the word to be blocked and the table with mentioned locked cells. Normal procedure is to position the cursor to the first letter of the word by performing a WORD_RIGHT followed by a WORD_LEFT (ctrl right arrow and ctrl left arrow to some of us). Under the circumstances mentioned above the cursor might not make it back to the word. NOTE: the complete word isn't blocked if enhancements (size and/or attributes) are present in the middle of the word - word blocking ends at the first enhancement code...(Version 3.52a) 6 May2 There are now two (2) single word blocking menu options. þWORDþ blocks a word including all punctuation (including attribute and size codes) while þwordþ blocks a word without the punctuation (the default mode prior to this revision). (Version 3.53) 24 May2 Revised the way word blocking is performed to allow a word with enhancement (size/attribute) code within it to be completely blocked (start to end). A previous revision to improve word blocks under certain circumstances forced the removal of this former capability. The method used to block words within and at the end of a cell within a table is also revised. (Version 3.4) ALTE 15 May2 Checks reveal codes status and turns off if on. At conclusion, status of reveal codes is the same as when the macro was executed. (Version 1.10a) ALTF 9 May2 Questions requiring a Yes/No answer can now be answered with plus or minus keys. (Version 4.12.1) ALTG 10 May2 NEW. Greek/German Characters. Allows up 127 characters in one operation. The enter key completes the selection and enters the characters into the document. Commas or spaces are valid entries (each counts as a character) and are entered into the document with the characters chosen. Exit (F7) or cancel (F1) exits the macro. The HOME key selects an additional menu. If the HOME key is hit a second time return is made to the main menu. Each selection is identified and shown. The quantity of selections is shown. Backspace removes the last entry. Attempts to enter more than 127 characters results in an error message. (Version 1.0) 12 May2 Decreased the number of allowable characters to 60. Added ability to place single or double (Menu Items: . :) dots over a chosen character (useful for some types of equations). Also, added the ability to put a bar (Menu item: -) over any chosen character. Lastly, single, double, or triple primes (Menu Items: ' " ;) may be added to any character. These characters are "modifier" characters in that they modify the original character. To use them, chose a menu option and follow it with a modifier character (.'";: or -). Modifiers may not be the first character chosen nor may they be two or more modifiers in sequence (the macro disallows it). The total number of menu options and modifiers is 120 (60 each). (Version 2.0) 13 May2 Added access to standard English alphabet. Using the þ=þ the menu character itself becomes the choice (a-z, A-Z only). (Version 2.00a) 14 May2 Previously, only one modifier character was allowed on a letter/number menu option. This change allows two under certain circumstances. There are two sets of modifiers. Set I is the dot, double dot, or bar. Set II modifiers are the prime, double prime, and triple prime. A menu letter/number option may have a set I modifier, a set I modifier followed by a set II modifier, or a set II modifier. Entering a set I or set II modifer before a number or letter option isn't allowed. Entering more than one set I or one set II modifiers sequentially isn't allowed. Entering a set II modifier followed by a set I modifier isn't allowed. Added a brief legend menu. (Version 2.10) 15 May2 Added menu identification to menu display. (Version 2.10a) 16 May2 Added test for reveal codes. If ON it's turned off. Its status is restored at the conclusion of the macro. (Version 2.10b) 17 May2 Added "hat" to set #1 modifiers. (Version 2.10c) 17 May2 Modified the routine which checks for valid entries to make it easier to add additional modifiers. (Version 2.11) 19 May2 Revised the menu messages a tad. (Version 2.11a) ALT M 12 May2 NEW. Miscellaneous functions are provided. These functions should prove useful to those writers who need to change line heights. Current capabilities include changing the amount of spacing WordPerfect uses between lines and hard returns. Single or double line heights may also be specified. (Version 1.0) 18 May2 This macro provides easier access to the functions supported than that provided by WordPerfect. Added features: COMMENTS, JUSTIFICATION, MARGINS, PAGE, UNDERLINES, and TABS. Comments is essentially the same thing as hitting CTRL F5 4 (Comment). Justification is a menued version of Shift F8 1 (line) 3 (Justification) "type", where "type" is one of the following: left, right, center, full. MARGINS sets any one margin, any set (left/right or top/bottom) or all margins in one operation. Not specifying a number for the margin returns the user to the set margin menu. PAGE only sets a conditional end of page (where you specify how many lines to keep together at the bottom of a page (NOT the same as Widow and Orphan protection) or center text on a page (note: this setting affects the next page if the cursor isn't at the beginning of the page when the macro is executed). UNDERLINES lets the user set Wordperfect to underline spaces and/or tabs (or not underline them). TABS just gets you to the tab set menu quicker than the default WordPerfect method. Hitting the ENTER key without entering a response (menu choice) returns to the previous menu level. Hitting the ENTER key from the main menu returns to the editing screen. (Version 2.00) ALTN 10 May2 Removed the Greek and Umlauted characters - these are in the Greek/German characters macro, ALTG. Added the division sign. (Version 2.92e) 15 May2 Rewrote the macro to make the menu less "busy" and to include multiple menus. Maximum number of entries has been increased to 70. All options are chosen by single character or number now. Display shows the character chosen, the option used to choose the character, the menu from which the option was chosen and the total number of options chosen. Unused (i.e., unavailable as menu choices) options are also displayed. An error message is displayed if an attempt is made to enter more than allowed. (Version 3.00) 19 May2 Modified some options for more "intelligent" access. Changed the menu information slightly. (Version 3.00a) 22 May2 Added a new category, þCirclesþ. Redid some menu options (fine-tuned). (Version 3.00b) ALT N 24 May2 Document preview may now also be performed from within the help screen. (Version 1.2a) ALT X 24 May2 Exit may now be used to exit from HELP. (Version 5.20b) CTRL S 10 May2 The user may predefine the subscripts and superscripts to be used prior to running the macro. The subscripted and superscripted characters/words must be separated by a single space. Additionally, the subscripted character must be separated from the previous character/word by a space. (Version 2.10) 17 May2 If the two predefined "words" are single characters they are entered into the document as an overstrike character. (Version 2.11) ADDR2Env 15 May2 Checks reveal codes status and turns off if on. At conclusion, status of reveal codes is the same as when the macro was executed. (Version 1.10c) ALTKEY 2 May2 Now includes the new menu options for ALTA (Advance). (Version 2.11d) 6 May2 Includes changes made to ALTB (Blocking) for different word block actions. (Version 2.11e) 10 May2 Added Greek/German Macro (ALTG) information. Moved some subroutines around for quicker operation on slower machines. (Version 2.12) 17 May2 Updated ALTG and ALTN entries to include modifications/additions to them. (Version 2.13a) ASCII 9 May2 Questions requiring a Yes/No answer can now be answered with plus or minus keys. (Version 2.11a.1) BARCODE 7 May2 Converted from graphic box based barcodes to ones created in the equation editor for considerable increase in speed and substantial decrease in final file size. (Version 1.3) 9 May2 The "+" and "-" keys may now be used in place of "Y" or "N", respectively, when answering to the prompt for confirmation of zipcode. (Version 1.3a) 15 May2 Checks reveal codes status and turns off if on. At conclusion, status of reveal codes is the same as when the macro was executed. Macro now detects, and accepts, the following WP characters as dashes in 5+4 zipcode: 4,33 4,34 4,50 4,77. (Version 1.30b) TABLE 1 May2 The Table Edit mode block copy and/or move operation could hang the system if the enter key (which completes the copy/move operation) is pressed while outside of a table and/or if not in table edit mode. This changes that. Now, if the user attempts to complete the move/copy operation by hitting the enter key outside of a table and/or while not within Table Edit mode, an error message is displayed for a short time and the copy/move message is returned to the screen. (Version 1.22) Shift Enhanced Right Arrow (Next Sentence) 15 May2 When blocking was on and you wanted to block the next sentence you had to move the cursor at least one character to the right (to be inside the sentence) before the next sentence would be blocked. This was fixed so that you no longer have to do anything special to block the next sentence. (Version 2.11a) ------------------------