From Herb Dunn, SysOp MSI BBS Open letter to Douglas J. Lawrence, The Research Center BBS RE: Techno-Jargon and our Sanity! This is also for all other Wildcat! Sysops Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Herb Dunn and I have been running a Wildcat! BBS since 1988 (Registration number 88-900). The Dew Drop Inn is also an official ModemNews Newstand with ALL back issues available on request. (a little plug there folks). You can dial 805-322-2783. I'll even answer Wildcat! questions there. I'm also employed as a Technical Support Technician for MSI, (Mustang Software, Inc), and have been for almost two years. In issue 36 of ModemNews you stated: "When I bought the new Wildcat 3.01 BBS program it came with two manuals. One of these was for the program itself, the other for the PRO! series utilities which is an optional accessory package to help one manage the BBS system better." I say, IMHO, you made an excellent choice (g). You made mention of having problems understanding the manual on WCPro! Have you called tech support on your problems? Feel free to ask for me if/when you do. On the MSI HQ BBS you can find a file that I put together sometime ago called PROHELP.ZIP. I have heard yours and several others crys for help with the WCPro! This file includes several examples of "Match" and "Command File" files that cover most situations, and should help you see and understand how they work. Including a set to "Add files in mass", a task that your WCFile utility is better suited for though not from a batch file as WCPro! can. You then went on to say: "Well this went on and on. After reading it several times, I threw my hands up in the air in disgust, and threw the manual in the basket - where it properly belongs. Now I am a fairly intelligent person I think, so I was somewhat taken aback, that the writers of this gobbledygook could not for some reason bring themselves to tell me what a "Match Filter" was, or what a "selection filter" was either." To this I can only say that once the light bulb comes on, WCPro! is really very simple to use. The problem comes from finding the switch to turn that light bulb on. Again, you have been heard. In our next printing of the manuals, they will include a section of "Tips & hints" and MSI has hired a Technical Writer, Gwen Barnes (otherwise known as the "BBroad"), to handle the chores of writing all our documentation, rather than "Doc writing" being one of the many jobs of our V.P. I invite you to call me at tech support at 805-334-2240, Monday thru Friday, 9am - 5pm, Pacific Time, voice if you continue to have problems. You can also leave me a message on the MSI HQ BBS. I usually check in there a couple times over the weekends as well as during the week. You are also more than welcome to leave me a message on my board at 805-322-2783 (2400 baud) or 322-5587 (HST). I'll be more than happy to help you the best I can. Herb Dunn MSI