Instructions for setting up the Dynacomm working model demo for use with Windows Broker or PCContact\Windows. 1. Create a directory for the Dynacomm files. The default is DCDEMO. Type: MKDIR \DCDEMO NOTE: You will have to manually edit the DCDEMO.INI file to change its directory settings if you use any directory other than \DCDEMO to store the Dynacomm working model demo. We strongly advise you to use the default \DCDEMO directory. 2. Switch to the new directory. Type: CD \DCDEMO 3. Create subdirectories for storing scripts, settings file, data files, and memo files within the DCDEMO directory, as follows: Type: MKDIR DCP Type: MKDIR DCS Type: MKDIR DAT Type: MKDIR DCM 4. Copy DYNACOMM.EXE to the DCDEMO directory. 5. Copy DCDEMO.INI to your WINDOWS directory. (If you've named your Dynacomm directory something other than DCDEMO you'll have to edit DCDEMO.INI and change all references to DCDEMO to the name you've given the directory.)