Thanks for using DETOUR. I have offered this project as freeware solely to further my education of shareware distribution and for programming experience. I cannot continue to learn and grow as a programmer without your replies. I only ask of you, if you use Detour, please write me with suggestions, ideas, to report problems, incompatibilities or just to acknowledge use. I assume if you are reading this that you are upgrading from an earlier version and therefore using Detour. Please, let me know what you think. Christopher Bolin 76447,1507 I could have easily written code to deal with the upgrade process, but I want Detour to be as small as possible, so I have elected not to do so. If you are currently using Detour 1.0 or 1.1, then you will have to follow these instructions for Detour 1.2 to work correctly. I have listened to the few requests I have received, and I think you will find Detour faster and much easier to use. First of all, load your WIN.INI file into a text editor such as NOTEPAD.EXE. Find the [Detour] section and beneath add the following using the your own extensions listed... Extensions= And then add the extensions of each file associated with a following comma. For the final entry, be sure to include a following comma or Detour will not read the last entry. i.e. [Detour] Extensions=TXT,DOC,ICO,BMP,PCX,GIF,BAS, TXT1=c:\windows\notebook.exe,NoteBook^1 TXT2=c:\windows\notepad.exe,NotePad^1 . . . BAS1=c:\windows\vb\vb.exe,Visual Basic^1 BAS2=c:\windows\notebook.exe,NoteBook^1 Sorry for this minor inconvience, but once this is done, you can completely control Detour with Detour Edit. This includes deleting a single entry, or an entire association. Thanks, Hope to hear from you! 8\5\91