The only file in the EDOS distribution that is a binary file is EDOS.386. EDOS.386 is in fact a .EXE file with the name changed. The code within it is flat model 386 protected mode ring zero code. To my knowledge, there are NO KNOWN virus that are capable of infecting a file of this type. This does not mean that a virus could not be created. If a virus attached itself to the EDOS exe file, it is VERY unlikely it would be capable of executing. Although, if it could it would be very dangerous. If you recieve your EDOS distribution on a floppy, the best insurance is to prevent the floppy from being booted. As most virus infections occur from infected boot sectors, begin booted or infected exe(or com) files, being executed. Remember, computer virus are not spread by the wind or casual contact. Boot sector, executed. Executable files, executed.