NEWUTIL.MDA is a replacement for UTILITY.MDA, featuring new buttons for the Access toolbars (Print, Save and others). Most are self-explanatory: the Save button features a disc; the printer button a printer; the object alignment tools (new to v. 3.0) show how an object would be moved to align with another. The whole page icon at the far right of the form and report design toolbars selects the whole form (or record) so that you can change the query in the form or report property sheet. The tool on the main database window with a small table and the letter A runs the Analyzer macro. To use the replacement library, edit the reference to UTILITY.MDA in the [Options] section of your MSACCESS.INI file (change it to NEWUTIL.MDA) and copy the new library to your Access directory and restart Access. Created by Helen Feddema, author of Inside Microsoft Access (New Riders Publishing)