ID:31 Windows 3.1 and Quarterdeck Products Quarterdeck Technical Bulletin #242 by Bryan Hanks 6 April 1992 QUARTERDECK PRODUCTS AND WINDOWS 3.1 Many customers have inquired about using Quarterdeck products with Microsoft's new Windows 3.1. This note explains what you need to know in order to get Windows and Quarterdeck products working together. QEMM-386 The great news is that no special "Windows 3.1 Update" exists because versions of QEMM-386 as far back as release 5.11 are fully compatible with the new Microsoft Windows 3.1 release. In fact, Standard mode is now a VCPI client, which means that it will work with versions of QEMM-386 as early as 4.1. We do recommend that users of any QEMM-386 version 5 or earlier upgrade to QEMM-386 version 6.0 to gain more high memory using the new Quarterdeck "Stealth" technology, and to maintain compatibility with DOS version 5.0. A common conflict between QEMM-386 and Windows 3.1 manifests itself by the following message: "Windows cannot set up an upper memory block at segment B000. Exclude this address space by using the syntax of your memory manager. For more information, see the README.WRI file. Type WIN /S to start Windows in standard mode and choose the Read Me icon." The problem is that Windows may object to the existence of High RAM (also called an Upper Memory Block, or UMB) in B000-B7FF. This usually depends on the video driver you have chosen for Windows. What this message suggests is excluding B000-B7FF (which you would do with an X=B000-B7FF on the QEMM-386 line). This would cost you 32K of High RAM. Microsoft has a file, "MONOUMB2.386", which may solve this problem without the exclude. For instructions on how to use this file, read section 4.1 of the file "README.WRI", which comes with Windows 3.1. There is yet another alternative, "MONOUMB.386", which you must obtain from Microsoft. For additional information, please contact Microsoft technical support at (206) 637-7098. It is also possible that the video card you have and the video mode you have chosen for Windows 3.1 requires that you exclude B000-B7FF, which you can do by adding "X=B000-B7FF" to the QEMM386.SYS line of the CONFIG.SYS. ************************************************************************ *This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it* *is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. * * Copyright 1992 by Quarterdeck Office Systems * ************************ E N D O F F I L E *************************