PATCHMAN.EXE is a patch mangement utility intented for the new Windows 3.1 MCI patch cache support. In human language: It makes GRAVIS Ultrasound board load its instrument voices and drums on demand. NOTE! This product is provided with no guarantees of any kind as to its fitnes for any purpose. Author will not be responsible for any damages both consequential and incidental or any other kind. Here is how it works: 1. Copy PATCHMAN.EXE and PATCHMAN.CFG to some directory of your choice 2. Start windows 3. Select a group where you want the Patch Manager to be placed 4. Select "File" and then "New" 5. Pick "Program Item" 6. Type in "Patch Manager" in the "name" field 7. Type in the directory where the PATCHMAN.EXE is and then "\PATCHMAN.EXE" in the "command line" field e.g.: "C:\MYDIR\PATCHMAN.EXE" 8. Type in the directory mentioned above in the "working directory" field i.e. "working directory" MUST be the directory where the PATCHMAN.EXE is 9. Cick "Change Icon" 10. Pick the Patch Manager icon (there is only one) 11. Click OK 12. If everything is ok you should have new icon with description "Patch Manager" in your group Operating instructions 1. There is no on-line help (I am too lazy, I have no RTF editor, and I have headache) 2. When Patch Manager pops up you can select instrument voices by clicking on entries in the list. Same holds for drums. 3. What is on the list depends on the contents of the file PATCHMAN.CFG 4. When all what is needed is selected click on "Load" 5. If there is enough memory on the board the message will confirm that patches are loaded 6. Otherwise (or if something else goes wrong) you get an error message. 7. If the memory is your problem de-select some voices and try "Load" again 8. You do not need to close the Patch Manager after every use. It does not attempt to hold MIDI devices open so you can use some other program in between loads. While loading however it needs exclusive access to the drivers. 9. You need the MIDI mapper to have access to your board or you will get "No MIDI map" or "MIDI map contains reference ..." message. Tech notes Patch Manager uses midiOutCachePatches and midiOutCacheDrumPatches calls.