DefInt A-Z Declare Function BitBlt Lib "Gdi" (ByVal destHdc, ByVal X, ByVal Y, ByVal w, ByVal h, ByVal srcHdc, ByVal srcX, ByVal srcY, ByVal Rop As Long) Const SRCAND = &H8800C6 Const SRCINVERT = &H660046 Sub Form_Paint () ' ** Display something random text on the form ** ' Cls CurrentY = Command1.Top + Command1.Height Rows = (ScaleHeight - CurrentY) \ TextHeight(" ") For Y = 1 To Rows Print "DESTINATION DESTINATION" Next Y End Sub Sub Form_Resize () Refresh End Sub Sub Command1_Click () Refresh ' ** Display Bitmap with center of it being transparent ' Logic is: (Dest AND Mask) XOR Image ' YDest = Command1.Top + Command1.Height R = BitBlt(Hdc, 0, YDest, Pic_Mask.Width, Pic_Mask.Height, Pic_Mask.Hdc, 0, 0, SRCAND) R = BitBlt(Hdc, 0, YDest, Pic_Image.Width, Pic_Image.Height, Pic_Image.Hdc, 0, 0, SRCINVERT) XDest = Pic_Image.Width + 1 R = BitBlt(Hdc, XDest, YDest, Pic_Mask.Width, Pic_Mask.Height, Pic_Mask.Hdc, 0, 0, SRCAND) R = BitBlt(Hdc, XDest, YDest, Pic_Image.Width, Pic_Image.Height, Pic_Image.Hdc, 0, 0, SRCINVERT) End Sub Sub Command2_Click () Refresh End Sub Sub Form_Load () Move (Screen.Width - Width) \ 2, (Screen.Height - Height) \ 2 End Sub