-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files distributed in the SASK.ZIP package ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SASK.EXE - The actual SupremeAsk program GO.BAT - Small demonstration of SupremeAsk. DEMO.BAT - An example of using SupremeAsk for a small menuing system. MENU.DAT - The text file used for the Demonstration. PRODUCTS.TXT - A list of all the program currently offered by SupremeSoft. There are no longer three version of SupremeAsk being distributed! SupremeAsk is also distributed in the SUTIL.ZIP package which is a collection of Utility programs from SupremeSoft. These include an integrated multi-file Copy/Move/Delete program, a simple multi-file move program, and multi-file attribute changer. If you register SupremeAsk, you will be sent the latest versions of ALL the SupremeSoft Utilities. A real bargain for $10.00!