----+---TL----+-T--2----T----3--T-+----4T---+---T5----+-T--6----T----R--T-+--r ************************************************************* HOME BUSINESS NEWS -- SUBSCRIPTION and AD RATES ************************************************************* SHAREWARE ISSUE #1 SPECIAL ISSUE number 1. HBN issue number 1 is a shareware version of the magazine. You may freely distribute this issue via BBS's or by giving it away. Shareware sellers may charge up to $5 per disk to cover their cost of distribution. If you wish to subscribe and receive all future issues of Home Business News read the subscription information below. PUBLISHERS INFORMATION The Home Business News disk based magazine is published 4 times per year in Jan., April, July, October. Published by Home Business News, 12221-M Beaver Pike, Jackson OH 45640 phone (614)988-2331 BBS support line HBN operates a 24 hour BBS (1200 and 2400 Baud). The BBS number is (614)988-2307 The goal of HBN is to help you start and operate a successful home-based business. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Send $19 check or money order to Home Business News, Box 312, Jackson OH 45640. You will then receive the next 4 issues of HBN. Don't miss out on the great articles and inside tips that HBN brings. Subcribe Today! Each issue of HBN contains articles such as: 5 Ways to make Money with Your Computer, Special Low Cost Marketing Methods, Inside Business Tips, and Home Business News, Sources, and Ideas. Special Bonus -- Subscribe now and receive a FREE gift from HBN -- a booklet called CASH FROM CLASSIFIED ADS. This will be sent with your first issue of HBN. *** You can print out this order form by pressing P *** Name _____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City ______________________ State ______ Zip ___________ Comments _________________________________________________ Disk type will be sent on 5 1/4 360K disks. Add $4 if you want 3 1/2 inch disks. Canadian orders add $4 postage Other foreign orders add $8 postage. AD RATES Your ad in HBN will be seen by thousands of computer owners and entrepreneurs. Try a low cost ad and get great response. Rates: $1 per word with a minimum of 20 words per ad. WRITERS WANTED HBN needs well written articles. The articles should be submitted on disk in an ASCII text format. HBN also needs news items, press releases, and software, hardware or books for review.