CONTENT OF FREE!.TXT ****************** LIMITED FREE OFFER ******************* *************** MILLION DOLLAR GIVEAWAY!! *************** HOW TO GET COMMERCIAL VERSIONS OF MARKETMASTER(tm) FREE! EARN $10, $15, $50, $100 OR $2,000 IN CREDIT WITH VERY LITTLE EFFORT! AND RECEIVE OUR COMMERCIAL VERSIONS FREE! METHOD #1: Estimate of the number of BBSes in the United States range from 25,000 to 50,000. That's a lot of BBSes. Magazines such as Computer Shopper, Computer Monthly and your local computer clubs usually has a listing of major BBSes. Also, your local BBSes usually have a listing of other neighborhood BBSes. The latest shareware version is always first uploaded to EXEC-PC BBS and Compuserve Investors Forum for free distribution. EXEC-PC is a huge 213-line BBS. Its phone numbers are as follows: SYSOP (SYStem OPerator): Bob Mahoney Main system number: 414-789-4210 EXEC-PC BBS will be down for maintenance every Thursday 2pm-6pm CST. Standard 2400 bps modems on all lines (except as noted below) US Robotics HST 9600/MNP5................... nodes 201-215, 414-789-4337 US Robotics HST 14400 & V.32/V.42bis/MNP5... nodes 216-225, 414-789-4352 US Robotics V.32bis/V.42bis & HST........... nodes 226-230, 414-789-4360 CompuCom Speedmodem 9600 MNP 5 modems....... nodes 241-245, 414-789-4450 Every time you upload the latest shareware version of MarketMaster to a bulletin board (BBS) that does not yet have the latest version of MarketMaster, and that will make it available for caller downloading, you earn a $50 credit. Once you have uploaded to 2 such BBSes that did not have the latest shareware version of MarketMaster, you would have earned $100 credit, sufficient to qualify you for a FREE copy of our $100 commercial version. For more information about the commercial versions available, please see ORDER_FM.TXT that accompanies this file. The more you upload to the right BBSes, the more credits you get. Here is how to proceed: (1) Call up a shareware BBS and determine if it has the latest shareware version of MarketMaster. MarketMaster files are in the form of MM???.EXE, MM???.ZIP or MM???.LZH. The ??? are three digits which represent the version number. For example, MM432.EXE would be Version 4.32. You must upload to BBSes that will make the shareware version of MarketMaster(tm) available for caller downloading to earn the $50 credit per BBS. If you upload it to inappropriate BBSes, e.g. those devoted exclusively to match-making or other non-shareware activities, you will earn only a token $10 in credit. Also, you must upload only the latest shareware version to qualify. To determine the latest shareware version or version number, please call 408-773-8715. If you inadvertently uploaded older versions of our shareware, all is not lost. Just call us at 408-773-8715 for instructions. (2) If a shareware BBS does not have the latest shareware version of MarketMaster, but will make MarketMaster shareware available for downloading by callers, then you are in luck. Upload the latest shareware version of MarketMaster (keep a log while you do this). At the conclusion of your upload, be sure to advise the sysop that you have just uploaded the latest version and that all older versions, i.e. MM???.EXE, MM???.ZIP, MM???.LZH, and MM???.ARC where ??? is a smaller number, should be erased or removed as they should no longer circulate. Note that your upload must contain all support files and documentation, without any omissions or additions and must be aggregated and compressed into a single file. The easiest way to do this is simply use the latest copy from EXEC-PC BBS or Compuserve Investors Forum. Some BBSes will not allow EXE files, so you are authorized to decompress MM432.EXE and then re-compress all the files into the proper ZIP, ARC, LZH or whatever format the sysop requires. Remember, all files must be included, no omissions or additions. You must also retain the file name convention, i.e. file must be of the form MM??? (plus extension), where ??? designates the version number. (3) After you have finished your upload task, print out the "log", and specify the BBS name and telephone number, the date and time of your upload (as shown on your log printout, which you should send along), the file name of MarketMaster you just uploaded and the location (i.e. the area or library or place in the BBS where it was uploaded to. You can simply highlight the "log" printout where such information appears.). If you are the first person to upload the latest shareware version of MarketMaster to the BBS and it is the type of BBS that will carry MarketMaster shareware, you've just won $50 credit. (4) Fill out the accompanying ORDER_FM.TXT text file containing the Order Form, along with documentation of all your uploads, and send the Order Form and Documentation along with your name, address and phone number to: R.M.C. P.O.Box 60842 Sunnyvale, CA 94088-0842 U.S.A. PHONE: 408-773-8715 (Please specify diskette size desired and allow 2 to 8 weeks for verification of your uploads and delivery of our $100 or better commercial version to you, FREE.) QUESTION: What if I have uploaded to just one shareware BBS? ANSWER: No problem. You are still rewarded with $50 credit per upload, so long as it is properly documented. So no matter how little you do, you are entitled to reward. METHOD#2: Every time you give the latest shareware version of MarketMaster to a shareware vendor who does not yet have the latest version and he/she agrees to carry it in his/her selection, you earn $50 credit. Have just 2 shareware vendors agree to carrying the latest shareware version of MarketMaster and you would have earned $100 credit, sufficient to qualify you for a FREE copy of our $100 commercial version. Here is how to proceed: MarketMaster files are in the form of MM???.EXE, MM???.ZIP or MM???.LZH. The ??? are three digits which represent the version number. For example, MM432.EXE would be Version 4.32. To obtain the latest version or version number, please call 408-773-8715 or download it from EXEC-PC BBS or Compuserve Investors Forum. (1) Go to any shareware vendor and see if he carries the latest shareware version of MarketMaster. If not, give him a copy of the latest shareware version and have him committed to carrying it. If you are the first person to commit the vendor, you've just won $50 credit. (2) Note down the shareware vendor's name, address and telephone number, as well as the file name (which includes version number) of the shareware version of MarketMaster that he has agreed to carry. Also note down the name of the person you talked to, and the date and time when he agreed to carry the latest shareware version of MarketMaster. You must provide the above information to us to receive proper credit. (3) Fill out the accompanying ORDER_FM.TXT text file containing the Order Form, along with documentation of all your committed shareware vendors, and send the Order Form and Documentation along with your name, address and phone number to: R.M.C. P.O.Box 60842 Sunnyvale, CA 94088-0842 U.S.A. PHONE: 408-773-8715 (Please specify diskette size desired and allow 2 to 8 weeks for verification of your uploads and delivery of our commercial version to you.) QUESTION: What if I have only committed one shareware vendor to carry the latest shareware version? Am I entitled to some credit? ANSWER: You bet! A full $50 credit! Just deduct $50 from any of the commercial versions you decide to buy and pay the difference. Follow the instructions in the Order Form contained in the accompanying ORDER_FM.TXT file. Be sure to enclose with your order and payment the documentation for the $50 credit you are entitled to. METHOD#3: Every time you give the latest shareware version of MarketMaster to a friend who owns a PC or clone and is an active investor, but who has never heard of the software, MarketMaster, you are eligible for a $15 credit. A friend is defined as someone, not a member of your immediate household, whom you know personally and well: Here is how to proceed: (1) Determine that your friend (a) owns a PC or clone; (b) is an active investor; (c) has never heard of MarketMaster before. (2) Give him/her a copy of our latest shareware version (in the format that he/she can use); (3) Note down your friend's name, address and phone (for our verification), and the date and time of introduction of our latest shareware version of MarketMaster, as well as the shareware version number; (4) Document all your introductions of our software with the information in (2) above for each case, and send the full documentation along with your name, address and phone number to: (You are encouraged to use the Order Form in the text file ORDER_FM.TXT that accompanies the shareware version of MarketMaster): R.M.C. P.O.Box 60842 Sunnyvale, CA 94088-0842 U.S.A. Phone: 408-773-8715 (Please specify diskette size desired and allow 2 to 8 weeks for verification of your shareware vendors and delivery of our commercial version to you.) QUESTION: What if I have introduced only one friend to MarketMaster? Am I still entitled to some credit? ANSWER: Absolutely! A full $15 credit is awarded to every introduction. Simply deduct your total credit: $15 X (number of introductions) from $100 or other more expensive commercial version you choose and pay the difference (plus $5 for shipping and handling; $15 for overseas airmail). Be sure to enclose with your order and payment the documentation for all the credit you are entitled to as instructed above. Remember, no matter how little you do, you are entitled to reward. METHOD #4: YES. You guessed it!. You can combine two or all of the above three methods to earn your credit. For example, you can commit a new shareware vendor to carry MarketMaster(tm) ($50 credit here), upload to a shareware BBS that does not have the latest version of MarketMaster but that will carry it for caller downloading (another $50 credit) and introduce MarketMaster to a friend who is active in the financial markets and who owns a PC but has never heard or used MarketMaster before (another $15 credit), for a TOTAL credit of $115 towards the purchase of any of our commercial versions. Be sure to send full documentation for your credits along with the Order Form in the ORDER_FM.TXT file that accompanies this file. IN ADDITION TO EARNING CREDITS, THOSE WITH THE MOST CREDIT MAY BE OFFERED THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME DEALERS OF OUR SOFTWARE PRODUCTS AT THE END OF THIS PROMOTION CAMPAIGN. Above offer expires at the earliest occurrence of: (1) on 12/31/91 unless extended; (2) on award of US$1,000,000 in credits, unless increased. We realize that there may be creditable situations at the expiration of the above offer. We have therefore reserved $250,000 award in credits to cover such situations. After $750,000 in credits have been awarded, we reserve the right to pro-rate the remaining $250,000 if the remaining total claims exceed $250,000. It is therefore advantageous to submit your claims early for full credits. All credits earned on or before 12/31/91 but not used, claimed or redeemed before 2/1/92 will automatically expire. We reserve the right to deny any credit to anyone who submits questionable, false, misleading or inaccurate documentation. In the event of any dispute, our record of priority and our discretion will be determinative, dispositive, final and binding on the parties. TIP: It is easiest to earn credits using Methods #1 and #2, and especially if you act early. As time passes, more and more BBSes and shareware vendors would have already carried the latest version. So if you want to take advantage of this fabulous offer, you should act soon. Additionally, you can earn extra credits and obtain extra copies of commercial versions of MarketMaster, which you can resell, give away or do whatever you wish with them. Citizens and nationals of any nation are eligible to participate in this great offer. We impose a limit of $2,000 credit maximum per person. To obtain more than $2,000 credit per person, you need to call or write us at 408-773-8715 for advance authorization.