The three DWG files provided here are AutoCAD drawing template files designed to facilitate making P.C Boards for three popular computers. They are Apple.dwg for the apple II boards, pcxt.dwg for the popular IBM's and clones, and stdbus.dwg for the system building block boards. To use them just start AutoCAD and select option 2 for new drawing. Give the name of your board followed by an = sign and then the name of the template file. Ex: ACAD 2 myboard=pcxt The templates have been set up with the folowing layers for the different portions of your board: Component for component side traces and pads Solder for solder side traces and pads Silk for silk screen info and part outlines Drill drill plan information - hole centers Mask for making solder mask patterns Edges for detailing board outline edges 0 for all common information. Supplied courtesy of DICKINSON COMMUNICATIONS 3036 Crest Drive Dickinson, Texas 77539 (713) 337-5321