IMG2DXB Image to DXB by David L. Walker Copyright 1990 This program is provided on a shareware basis and is intended for review by anyone. Continued use requires the payment of $25.00 to the author at the following address: David L. Walker Walker Engineering P.O. Box 366 Staffordsville, VA 24167 LIMITATIONS: This program is a brute force approach to loading an Image file into AutoCAD. The file types which can be read at this time are limited to IMG files. The program has been tested only with files written by GEM Images software when run with an Everex 2200 scanner (8.5" x 11") and is not expected to work with all IMG files as produced by other brands of software. DXB files produced are large but can be reduced in size by directing IMG2DXB to skip rows and columns of points. The program is directed at knowledgeable users and does not contain error checking. If there is sufficient interest, this and other "bells and whistles" will be added at a latter date. It should also be noted that the program does not run instantly and can take 20 minutes to convert a full size 8.5 x 11 (on a 16 Mhz, 386 with a 80387). Reducing the size to a minimum by "cutting out" while in Images will keep times as small as possible. Remember that about 8.4 million possible points are being processed. NOTES ON USAGE: When started, IMG2DXB asks for the IMG file name (without Extension) and for a skip value. The DXB file is created with the same name as the IMG file. The skip value instructs IMG2DXB to pass over that many pixels when converting a line of scanned pixels and to skip that many lines when writing the DXB file. The effect is to leave a matrix of points in the DXB file which are adequate to trace over when loaded into AutoCAD. At the same time the DXB and DWG file sizes can be dramatically reduced. For my purposes a skip value of 5 is typically used as a starting point. While running, the program prints the value of the scan line being processed so that the user doesn't give up to quickly. The exception to this is the occurrence of "repeat lines" which are not reported. Since hundreds of repeat lines may occur some patience is helpful. The DXB file is always written with the points located on the layer "Scanpt" and this layer is created in the DWG file when the file is imported. AUTHOR'S COMMENTS: This program has been useful in importing details into engineering drawings, in particular perspective views of light fixtures, etc. When time permits, a program to convert FAX format to AutoCAD and back is planned. Trademarks: AutoCAD-Autodesk; GEM Images-Digital Research; Everex 2200-Everex.