SPARTAN COMPUTER DESIGN INC. **************************** PRESENTS... THE CAD MASTER'S IMPROVED AUTOCAD TEMPLATE V1.01 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= The CAD Master Speaks!!! Let me begin by giving a brief history of how the idea for this improved template came into being. I am an engineer and have been using CAD programs for 12 years. During those years, I have tried or used almost every CAD program that exists. Some of the programs were mainframe based, some workstation based, and some designed to run on the lowly personal computer that you and I use every day. However, I must state that in all my years working with CAD software, I have found AutoCAD to be among the very finest I have ever used. Others may disagree with me and that is fine - to each their own - but I am sure many would agree with me wholeheartedly. As great a program as AutoCAD is, with it's constant upgrades and improvements, there is one thing that has always bothered me about it; the template itself never seems to have been improved over the years. It's still the tired, old, familiar template that Autodesk has issued since it released AutoCAD so many years ago. I believe that the Autodesk template, though it serves its purpose nobly, could stand to have a few improvements made to it. Therefore, I set about asking my fellow AutoCAD users what improvements they would make if they had the chance. After many discussions with my colleagues concerning our perceived problems with the original Autodesk template, I set out to design a new template. We all wanted the new template to be familiar (so that we wouldn't suffer any downtime when we first started using it), yet incorporate all the changes we felt the new design required. The following is a list of the improvements in the new template. THE CAD MASTER'S IMPROVED TEMPLATE: 1) Text is larger and easier to read. 2) Labels for frequently used commands (such as 'ERASE' and 'CHANGE') were made as large as possible (to make them easier to find). 3) Equivalent function keys for various AutoCAD commands are shown on the corresponding template command buttons. 4) Command button labels are more descriptive. 5) Menu area labels are more descriptive. 6) Menu area column and row configuration information is shown on the template. 7) Pull down menu bar area is now shown on the template's monitor screen area. 8) Menu areas now have a more high tech '3D' appearance. 9) General template appearance is more professional. 10) Template is plotted in vibrant colours (instead of the drab, dull colours of the original issue template). Page 1 of 2 A few more words about The CAD Master's Improved Template... a) The template is completely compatible with all known versions of AutoCAD up to and including Release 10 (and quite possibly Release 11). b) The template doesn't require the user to learn any new command button locations. All command buttons are in their respective places as per the standard issue template that came with your registered AutoCAD software. c) The template is designed to fit most 12" x 12" digitizing tablets (e.g. Summagraphics, Kurta, etc.). d) The template easily replaces the standard Autodesk template without requiring any changes to your program files. You only have to configure it, and that should be easier than ever since all the necessary information is now located on the template itself. e) The template is professionally plotted in colour using different pen widths on a top-of-the-line Calcomp 1044GT pen plotter. f) The template is laminated on both sides with a clear plastic film for complete protection - handy if, like me, you tend to place your morning cup of coffee on the tablet instead of on the desk (where it belongs). Now let us get down to the nitty-gritty issue of the price for this improved template. I will plot and laminate The CAD Master's Improved Template and mail it to you for just... $25.00!!! Hard to believe, I know, but who said there aren't any good deals left in the world. The AutoCAD drawing file of The CAD Master's Improved Template is provided so you can have a look at it before you order. If you have a decent plotter and wish to plot the drawing yourself, be my guest, but remember this template is 'SHAREWARE' not 'FREEWARE'!!! A small donation of $5.00 would be greatly appreciated (to cover my time and efforts in this project). However, consider that for a mere $20.00 more, you can get a professionally plotted and laminated template from me that will certainly look better and outlast anything you could do yourself. At these prices, I believe you're getting extremely good value for your money. I have tentative plans to market the template commercially (at a higher price), so act now - this may be your only chance to get it at $25.00! Well, that's it! All I can say is that I have been using the template myself and find that it not only looks a lot better than the standard issue registered AutoCAD template, but it's a lot easier to use. I believe you will find it a lot easier to use too. Cordially, "THE CAD MASTER" * AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. * Page 2 of 2