Computer Peace Graphics Volume 2 This is a collection of images that I have scanned into a computer in TIFF format and then converted to WordPerfect Graphic (WPG) files. I have done a minimum of work in DrawPerfect editing these files, thus some of them are in very rough shape and border on unusable. But they are free, so don't complain. I also have the original TIFF images, if you want to use them but your software doesn't support WordPerfect Graphics. My motivation for doing this is because of the need to have graphics for a local peace and justice newsletter that I lay out and I couldn't find a source of appropriate peace graphics. I lay out the newsletter in WordPer- fect; hence the WPG files. At this point there are two volumes to this collection, but over time I hope to add more graphics. This volume contains the following: BEATING.WPG BOMB.WPG BOOKS.WPG BRUSH.WPG COLUMBUS.WPG COPTER.WPG CORNOCOP.WPG CURRY.WPG EAGLE.WPG FLAG.WPG FLOWER1.WPG FLOWER2.WPG GLOBE1.WPG GLOBE2.WPG GLOBE3.WPG GLOBE4.WPG GLYPH1.WPG GLYPH2.WPG HANDS.WPG HELMET.WPG HOURGLAS.WPG HOUSES.WPG MISSILE.WPG NONUKES1.WPG NONUKES2.WPG ORIGAMI.WPG ORR.WPG PEACE1.WPG PEACE2.WPG PEACE3.WPG PEACE4.WPG PICASSO.WPG PLANTING.WPG PLOW1.WPG PLOW2.WPG RECYCLE.WPG RIFLE1.WPG RIFLE2.WPG SCHOOL.WPG SOLDIERS.WPG STRAFING.WPG TREE.WPG TV.WPG WARTOYS.WPG WETLANDS.WPG WHALE.WPG WHEAT.WPG YINGYANG.WPG As I said, these graphics are free. I do not hold a copyright for them and I do not request or expect payment for their use. What I do request, though, is that if you find a source of other appropriate peace computer graphics that you let me know about them. Marc Becker 746 Mississippi Lawrence, KS 66044 (913) 841-5660 (Internet) mabecker@ukanvm.bitnet (Bitnet)