-------------------------------------------- New WINDOWS Startup screen for those who no longer suffer from MAC envy! -------------------------------------------- by Jeff Beardsley A BIG thanks to Mike Mezaros who did the research and uploaded the instructions that allow us to change the Windows startup screen! For more detailed information on his method download STARTUP.ZIP. This zipfile contains this text file and the .RLE file that will be your new Windows startup screen. The process described is from Mike, so again, THANKS MIKE! To change your startup screen with this file you MUST be running in VGA or higher mode. This file is 640 x 480. 1) Rename the VGALOGO.RLE file in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory to BACKUP.RLE. 2) Copy the VGALOGO.RLE file contained in this zipfile in the \SYSTEM subdirectory. 3) Exit Windows if you are in it, then change to the windows subdirectory. 4) Type SETUP from the command line and hit . 5) Press the cursor keys to highlight the video card driver option. Hit , then scroll through the list of video drivers. Choose the same VGA driver that you are currently using, then hit . 6) The "Accept the Configuration shown above" option should be highlighted. Hit . 7) You will be prompted if SETUP wants to change your CONFIG.SYS file. Select "NO" and hit . 8) Start WINDOWS as usual, and you will see the NEW startup screen! ENJOY! E-mail any comments, et cetera, to: America On Line ===> EDSer C-YA!