Archive Viewer ARC ZIP PAK LZH Registration $20.00 Nicolas Nowinski 1702 Whitewood Lane Herndon, VA 22070 CIS: 72510, 2042 License Archive Viewer is not and has never been public domain, nor is it free ware. Archive Viewer is copyrighted by Nicolas Nowinski and any unauthorized use or use inconsistent with the terms of this license is an infringement of the copyright. Archive Viewer may be used without registration on a 30-day test basis for the purpose of deciding whether Archive Viewer is suitable to your needs. The use of Archive Viewer, beyond the 30-day test, requires registration. Beyond 30-day test period, the use of unlicensed copies by any person, business, corporation, government agency or any other entity is strictly prohibited. After the 30-day test period, you must either register the software or erase it. A single user license permits a user to use Archive Viewer only on a single computer. A purchaser of a single user license may use the program on different computers, but may not use the program on more than one computer at a time. No one may modify or patch the Archive Viewer executable files in any way, including but not limited to Decompiling, dissassembling, or otherwise reverse engineering the program. A limited license is granted to copy and distribute Archive Viewer only for the test use of others, subject to the above limitations, and also the following: 1. Archive Viewer must be copied in unmodified form, complete with all accompanying files, documentation, and this license. 2. Archive Viewer may not be distributed in conjunction with any other product without a specific license to do so from Nicolas Nowinski. 3. No fee, charge, or other compensation may be charged except as listed below: A. Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (sysops) may make Archive Viewer available for downloading only as long as the above conditions as met. Overall charges are permitted as long as there is no specific charge for downloading Archive Viewer. B. Vendors of user-supported or shareware may distribute only the most current shareware version of Archive Viewer without specific permission, subject to the above conditions. It is the responsibility of the vendor to obtain the most recent shareware version. Vendors may charge a disk duplication and handling fee, which may not exceed six dollars. Limited Warranty You use this program at your own risk and NICOLAS NOWINSKI in no way will ever need to return you more money than you paid Nicolas Nowinski minus fifty percent. Use of this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subject you to its contents. What is Archive Viewer? Archive Viewer is a program that allows you to view the inside of an archived file of the following formats: * PAK. * ZIP. * ARC. * LZH. What will it tell me? Archive viewer will tell you: * Files inside the archive. Will it tell me information about those files? Yes, It tells about: * Date of file inside. * Time of file inside. * Compression Type. * Compressed Size. * Uncompressed Size. If I register does it do more? Yes, it'll not only eliminate that 15 second wait and screen it will: * Include all the above data plus * 16bit CRC for each file including main Archive. * 32bit CRC for each file including main Archive. * Percentage of file Compressed along with average data for main archive. * Ability to automatically uncompress Archive if you own the UnArchiver. How do I use the program? You use the following format: ARCHIVE name.PAK or ZIP or ARC or LZH DO NOT USE WILDCARDS WE ARE CURRENTLY WORKING ON THAT. How do I register? To register send $20.00 check, cash, or money order to: Nicolas Nowinski 1702 Whitewood Lane Herndon, VA 22070 Name: ____________________________ Street: _____________________________________ City: ___________________,______,___________ Phone: ______________________________ You will receive a copy of the program by 5 1/4 or 3 1/2 inch disk( Please Specify). You can also be sent it in twenty four hours by CIS(__________,______). For CIS delivery include $5.50 extra or $2.00 for 3 1/2. What else is in store? Well we currently are working on a Archive Shell to do the following( NO GAURNTEES): * Make Archives or DeArchive all formats I can find. If you Know one that is new send us data on it including were to get .DOC and .EXE files. * Automatically SCAN for viruses using SCAN??.EXE. * Automatically identify bad .ZIP's and run PKZipFix on them( or other appropriate Fix). I also am working on a program that checks a ZIP or other Archive on BBS's and converts to different formats, send you only the file you want from an archive like README.TXT for more info before downloading the entire file. Makes sure it is in full working order. What about cite licenses? Contact Nicolas Nowinski directly for such information.