Installation instructions for Beta Panasonic printer drivers 15-Oct-1991 This disk contains the following files UNIDRV.DLL DMCOLOR.DLL PANSON.INF README.TXT PANSON9.DRV PANSON9.TXT PANSON24.DRV PANSON24.TXT To install the drivers for Windows 3.0 you will need to modify your setup.inf file to include the lines listed in the panson.inf file. *** Note: Before you start to do the following steps outlined below, copy your "setup.inf" file to a floppy or another subdirectory just in case your first attempt to modify the file does not work correctly for you. To make these changes do the following. 1. Run NOTEPAD from within Windows. 2. Open the setup.inf file in the \windows\system directory. 3. Search to near the bottom of the file for the section titled [io.device] 4. Insert the lines for the panasonic printers from the panson.inf file as follows. [io.device] ; (printers, plotters, etc.) ; The filename is followed by ; ; -- the descriptive string which will appear in Control Panel and ; which will appear in WIN.INI ; -- 1 or 2 strings indicating the scaling for this device ; ; There may be more than one line for a driver, corresponding to different ; printers. 6:PANSON9.DRV, "Beta Panasonic KX-P1180", "167,120,72", "60,72,120" 6:PANSON9.DRV, "Beta Panasonic KX-P1695", "167,120,72", "60,72,120" 5:PANSON24.DRV,"Beta Panasonic KX-P1123", "167,120,72", "60,72,120" 5:PANSON24.DRV,"Beta Panasonic KX-P1124", "167,120,72", "60,72,120" 5:PANSON24.DRV,"Beta Panasonic KX-P1624", "167,120,72", "60,72,120" 5:TTY.DRV,"Generic / Text Only","DEVICESPECIFIC" ... Add the following to the [io.dependent] section. [io.dependent] panson9.drv = 6:unidrv.dll, 6:dmcolor.dll panson24.drv = 5:unidrv.dll, 6:dmcolor.dll 5. Exit NOTEPAD and save the changes to the setup.inf file. 6. Copy the UNIDRV.DLL and DMCOLOR.DLL files from this disk to your \windows\system directory. 7. Run the Control Panel and install the new driver the same way you installed other printer drivers.