This file is for your information only. If you have experienced problems with any E! function in previous versions you should have a quick look at the following to check for an eventual fix in this new version. A special thank to Juergen Egeling, the best beta tester, ever. - 09/15/91 ******************************************************************************* E! 5.01 - Bug with PUT command. Was testing printer in all cases. - Created PasteFlag to allow Pasting from resident programs. Works with DESQview. - E! no longer PAUSEs after an EXIT command. - bug in SEARCH function. =/string// didn't work. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.02 - Bug in STRIP command : change flag not modified. - Added "quoted char" facility when assigning a string beginning with $, & or @ to a key. Use "\" to disable character interpretation. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.03 - Changed keyboard handling to accept german s-tsett character. á. - Added ECHO in default internal commands list. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.04 - Fixed bug with UNDO reserving only one page in EMS. Now reserves 2 pages for DELLINEBUFFER and forces MaxSaveLines to 8192 maximum when using EMS. - Updated E!.DOC for UNDO. - Fixed bug with EMS allocation when only a small amount of EMS pages is available. - Fixed bug with Zoom/UnZoom function. Current line not stored. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.05 - Fixed bug with "Delete Block" function when deleted block is in another window. - Fixed bug with SDEF. - Fixed bug with regular expression search (empty braces - {*}). ******************************************************************************* E! 5.06 - Fixed bug with "Delete Line" when line length is 255. - Fixed bug with "Search and Replace". - Fixed bug with regular expression search when a syntax error occured. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.07 - Modified E!.HLP. - Fixed bug with Alt O when destination = source. - Fixed bug with file size when using F4 (save and quit). - Added control on filename when loading. - Fixed bug with video setup when monochrome screen attached to EGA-VGA adapter. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.08 - Fixed new bug with SDEF. - Changed secondary windows behaviour. When the same file is displayed in several windows the file "image" in secondary windows is no more changed when lines are deleted or added in the active window. - Fixed bug with DisplayError routine when compiling (overlapped next window). ******************************************************************************* E! 5.10 - Fixed a bug with search and replace. - Added multifile compilation support. - Fixed bug with word only search option. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.11 - Fixed a bug with multifile compilation when file was not found. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.12 - Added 'TABINC' keyword in Profiles to allow change of tabs increment (range allowed 1-80). - Modified SETCOMP and API.PAS to be consistent with the modifications in compilers support. - Added E!.ICO, an icon for use with WINDOWS 3.0. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.13 - Added 'CLIPBOARD' command and related utilities. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.14 - Modified CLIPBOARD command (get and set options). ******************************************************************************* E! 5.15 - Fixed bug with SUBMIT. - Fixed bug with directory names containing a dot. Changed NotValidName function to be more reliable. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.16 - Fixed small bug in the "search matching brace" function for the REPEAT..UNTIL pair. - Fixed typos in documentation files. - Added return of first displayed line number in DI in function 8 of E! API. - Added REGULAR.DOC - Adapted to new version of DESQview (fixed problems when shelling to DOS) - Changed macro processing. AUTO.MAC is now searched in the current directory first and in the E! directory next. - Fixed bug with program names parsing when executing DOS command. - Modified API.C (bad test in Request_E_Address function) - Added '&&' place holder for full pathnames in compile commands. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.17 - Added automatic keyboard recognition - Fixed (another) small bug with Search/Replace ******************************************************************************* E! 5.18 - Modified E! behaviour regarding write-protected drives and open drive doors while renaming, saving or creating files. - Modified temporary filenames generation algorithm - Added "retrieve selected command" feature - Added "Input Pause" feature to macros - Fixed bug with INSERT key not being taken into account inside a macro - Fixed bug with blank compression algorithm (wouldn't work in the very rare cases where there's an odd number of quotes on a line and if the last line character is a quote of the same type). ******************************************************************************* E! 5.19 - Modified print routine to allow retry when printer fails - Removed SNOW command. Available only in PROFILEs. - Changed search/replace prompt for a less ambiguous one - Fixed bug when formatting a paragraph with Justify option OFF and paragraph margin < left margin. - Changed cursor positionning algorithm after text formatting. - Now the + sign specifying that the same path should be used for the subsequent filename may be separated from the filename by a blank. Thus, e! c:\myprogs\*.c +*.h and e! c:\myprogs\*.c + *.h are equivalent. - Added a new function in E! API : it's now possible to retrieve information about the marked block. See API.DOC. - Macros now ALWAYS begin with the INSERT status OFF. This makes macros behaviour more predictable. When a macro terminates the INSERT TOGGLE status is restored to what it was when the macro began to execute. When macro recording begins, the INSERT TOGGLE is also systematically set to OFF. - Fixed bug in Search/Replace command : was sensitive to placement of the "c" and "-" option chars in the option string. - The "RECENT" statement is now available on the command line. Not only as a profile statement. - Fixed bug in Input_Pause feature - Fixed the "CLIPboard GET" command which caused an error when the clipboard is empty - The H! and C! utilities have now a command line option : /NOAPI. If you use this option both programs will not activate their API related features: H! will not "remember" the last help screen and C! will not allow the user to "keyin" the calculation result any more. The advantage is that both programs may then be run with the "#" swap option which is not allowed when running API programs. This will be very useful if you are editing many files and if memory is getting scarce. Your PROFILE should be modified this way: Define 315 &#@g:h! /noapi ** F1 Define 426 &#@g:c! /noapi ** Define 490 &#@g:c! /noapi ** Ctrl K C Define 522 &#@g:c! /noapi ** - The SDEF command now inserts double quotes in define statements defining a string even if the string contains no blank characters. - The E!PRESENT environment variable is now set to "NO" when E! shells to DOS while swapping its code to disk or EMS. This prevent from launching API programs when the E! interrupt handler is not available. - When a window is zoomed, the case indicator on the command line now becomes a 'Z'. - Due to a DOS shortcoming, some temporary files were not erased when a file is loaded from a network device. This has been fixed. - The P! utility has been fixed. Entering an existing complete filename in the Prompt Window caused the program to enter an endless loop. - Fixed a bug with the Retrieve Command feature displaying garbage when used on return of a DOS shell or of the MEMory command. - Fixed a bug in SCROLL utility - The "paired brace" function algorithm (ALt 7) has been changed and is much more powerful and efficient now. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.20 - Added the "format within block margins" feature. - Now strip trailing blanks when loading if the SPACES option is activated. - Fixed bug with GET command when file is read-only. - Added FORMAT_EOP statement in PROFILEs. - Fixed bug with "Repeat Char" function (Ctrl D). The "file modified" flag was not set. - Fixed bug with displayed filesize when GETting an external file. ******************************************************************************* E! 5.21 - Fixed bug with "search current word function". Sometimes, a subsequent Ctrl S wouldn't work properly. - Fixed bug with macro recording. The Insert toggle status is now restored. - Fixed bug with WordWrap feature. - Fixed bug with macro recording. - Fixed bug in cursor placement in "search matching brace" and "go to next error" functions. - Fixed a bug with Alt O function - Fixed a bug with Refresh - Fixed a bug with filesize not updated when Compressing or Expanding ******************************************************************************* E! 5.30 - Fixed minor bug with Alt E (go to end of mark) - Added support for non standard compiler messages (major change) Documentation for this new feature has been added in READ.IT - Fixed minor bug with Alt F (when responding with non-character keystroke) - Added a parameter (filename) to the COMPILE command - Fixed bug in MACGEN (wrong translation) - Changed SETCOMP, API.DOC, API.H and API.PAS to support new features - Added the Comment keyword in PROFILEs - Added possibility of ignoring EMS (SET E!EMS=NO)